I Get Trampled By a Horse

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Kinoko Komori's POV

When Setsuna texted that she was hosting a 1b girl's movie night, I immediately jumped out of my bed and slammed open the door when I heard a huge "THUD!". There was nothing behind my door when I checked, but a letter on the floor. On the outside of the white envelope was my name written in calligraphic writing. Puzzled, I opened the envelope and gasped as I read the letter.

Dear Komori,

I've noticed sometimes you make a small remark about how you wish to be taller, were smarter, or your confusing recurring comment about you not being "pretty enough". You light up the class just by smiling and being yourself. Komori, I can't exactly wrap my head around it, but your sheer authenticity is mesmerizing and draws everyone to you. I've fallen in love with this person who loves being happy and cares for all life. I can't tell you this face to face, but I hope this letter gives you a boost of confidence. If the day comes that I do, confess all of this physically, please don't feel pressured to reciprocate my feelings.


Your Anonymous Admirer

(I figured "secret admirer is extremely overused so I altered it slightly)

I am a stunned, blushing mess. Internally my mind is trying to contemplate who could have sent this to me, to no avail. They even went as far as to type the letter, they really thought out this thing! In the light of my phone, I see a glistening piece of plastic on the floor. Upon further examination, I realize it's a candy wrapper. I have found my first clue.

I run to Setsuna's room with the letter in my hands. When I walk in, all the girls are there already. My face still feels hot after reading the letter.

"Yo, Komori, how come you're late?" Setsuna asks bluntly

I don't respond.

Kendo walks up to me and puts her hand on my shoulder. "Hey, are you feeling all right Komori? Your face is super red..." She looks down and notices the letter in my hands. "What's that..."

"Uh, it's a letter."

Upon hearing this, Pony Tsuntori bounced off the bed she was sitting on and ran straight to me. "IT'S A LOVE LETTER!"

Pony summoned the entirety of females in that room, resulting in me getting trampled by all of my friends and classmates as they tried to read the letter.

They succeeded.

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