2 - The Reckoning

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TVD - 3x5

Mystic Falls, August 31st 2010

After Matt unintentionally ruined their Senior Prank Night plan, Elena decided to continue with the plan and glue Alaric's desk. She walks down the hall of her school and walks through one of the doors. She takes a turn to the right and bumps into an unlikely visitor.

"There's my girl," Klaus says as Elena gasps in shock.

"Klaus!" Elena exclaims, clearly surprised to see him here. 

Elena turns and tries to run away but he blocks her way again. 

"You are supposed to be dead," Klaus said matter-of-factly. "What are we going to do about that?" He asks and grabs Elena and starts dragging her through the hallways. 

Stefan's POV

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Stefan's POV

Stefan wakes up in a truck. He looks up and sees Rebekah standing by the edge of the truck. 

"Ah, he lives," Rebekah stated with a smirk. 

"What happened?" He asked.

"You took a beating. My brother's been breaking your neck all afternoon. Quite the temper." Rebekah informed him as she leaned against the truck. 

"Why did he bring us back to Mystic Falls?" Stefan asked as he got up from the floor. 

"You can stop playing dumb now. It didn't take him long to figure out what you've been hiding." Rebekah said. 

"I'm not hiding anything," Stefan argued back. "I've done everything Klaus has asked me to."

"No, you just failed to mention that the doppelganger's still alive." Rebekah reminded him. 

Stefan looked down, not saying anything back. "Where is Klaus now?" He asked as he turned his back to the Original. 

"With any luck, ripping that cow's bloody head off," Rebekah answered. He waits a second then he pushes both of them out of the truck and onto the ground. 

"Where is she?" He growls into Rebekah's face as she's pinned beneath him.

"You really do love her, don't you?" Rebekah asks and pushes him off of her and pins him against the truck. She takes a nearby crowbar, smacks him in the face with it, and then pulls him closer. 

"Consider me jealous." She then proceeds to stab him with the crowbar in the stomach. He falls to the ground,  groaning in pain, and eventually blacks out.


"You put a rather large kink in my plan, sweetheart. The whole point of breaking the curse and becoming a hybrid was to make more hybrids." Klaus explains to Elena as he drags her to the gym. 

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