7 - Memory Lane

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There's nothing but the rain
No footsteps on the ground
I'm listening but there's no sound

October 2010, Mystic Falls

Two more weeks have passed. Stefan was still refusing to hand over their siblings. Kassie could tell Klaus's patience was paper thin and if she was being honest, so was hers. She understood why Stefan was doing all this; Klaus had no right to compel him and take his will away. But this was getting out of control.

Klaus told her he was going to negotiate with Stefan one last time. She asked what would she be doing. Her brother just laughed and with sickly sweet words told her to stay put while he dealt with the situation. Kassie had to actively control herself from lashing out at him. 

He always sidelined her and her ideas, no matter how good they were or if they made more sense than his. She was to sit aside and let him do everything. But how could she sit idly while a vengeful vampire basically kidnaped her family? No matter how hard she tried explaining to Klaus that they were her family too, he wouldn't listen. 

She knew why he never allowed her to do anything; it was cause he thought she would ruin everything. To him, she was a nuisance and a liability. Why did he even undagger me, she thought. She was not allowed to do anything outside of his preplanned procedures, so why did he bring her back?

Was he simply just bored and wanted company? Did he truly feel remorse for breaking her trust and betraying her? He never told her the true reason and after two months of being back in the land of the living, she was starting to get frustrated with his antics.


While Klaus was out negotiating with Stefan, Kassie had hours to kill. It was a sad, gloomy day; the skies above Mystic Falls were grey and full of dark clouds, indicating it would rain soon. The poor weather meant she was stuck in the house. It also brought a sense of melancholy onto Kassandra's mind. 

An idea popped up in her head. She walked toward her closet and opened it. A big wooden chest stood at the bottom of it; inside were a bunch of old-looking diaries and notebooks. They all belonged to Kassandra. After undaggering her, Klaus was gracious enough to ship most of her belongings from Geneva to their new residence in Mystic Falls. 

They were all chronologically placed in order by year. Her eyes danced over the years - 1939, 1922, 1914, 1864, 1492, 1453 and so on. The very first one was the biggest in size, the pages were yellow and she was honestly surprised it lasted all these centuries. The first page had the year 1104 written on it. 

"Do you really want to do this?" she asked herself. She hadn't opened this diary in particular since...the accident. That was over 900 years ago. But something in her mind was telling her to open it and read. And so she did. As she read, memories of her past flooded her mind. 

May, 1104 AD

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May, 1104 AD

"Today was the most splendid day. Axel gifted me with the most beautiful present - wedding rings! Mine even has a blue gem at the top! Today marks 100 years since we made our union official—one hundred years of pure bliss and joy. I pray for an eternity of peace with him by my side. Destiny has so far been kind to the two of us. My siblings were nowhere in sight and I haven't heard from them in decades. I intend to keep it that way."

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