5 - Where are you?

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~ I'm a shoulder you can cry on. Your best friend, I'm the one you must rely on~

Mystic Falls, September 2010

In the following weeks, the renovations on the mansion Kassandra and Klaus picked out took place. It was mostly over, the only place left was the entrance hall. The bedrooms upstairs were all finished.

Klaus was currently gone, doing God knows what with his hybrids, so she was alone in the house. She was brushing out her hair and listening to music. Many of the artists she loved in the 80s and 90s were now older or passed away. She cried when she found out Michael Jackson passed away.

She was listening to "Chiquitita" by ABBA. As the finishing touch, she sprayed perfume on her wrists and neck - it was vanilla-scented with hints of rose and citrus. Once she was satisfied with herself she made her way downstairs.

Her mind was on her sister. It's been weeks and there was no sign of her. Rebekah was capable of protecting herself, sure, but she would be defenseless with a dagger in her heart. Kassandra sighed as she nervously played with the heart-shaped ring on her hand. 

Stefan Salvatore had stolen the caskets containing her sibling's bodies and he was using that as leverage against Klaus. "I just hope we find them soon..." She thought as she poured herself blood into a wine glass.

" She thought as she poured herself blood into a wine glass

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Kassie was currently on the couch in the living room - she was watching the movie adaptation of one of her favorite novels, The Lord Of the Rings. The movies were filmed and released while she was daggered so she only recently discovered their existence. 

She was currently on the scene where Aragorn and Arwen were talking to each other before the shards of Narsil when all of a sudden Klaus came in bursting through the house, sounding rather annoyed.

"Kassandra!" He yelled, his voice echoing through the large mansion. She sighed and paused the movie. 

"Here." She answered softly, knowing he would hear her. In an instant, he appeared in front of her. She looked up at him, with an annoyed expression on her face. "Yes?"

"Put some shoes on. We're going on a little field trip." He said as he took the remote from her hands and turned off the TV. 

"Hey! I was watching that!" She exclaimed. 

"What do you mean field trip? What are you talking about?" Kassie asked, confused.

"I've found a way to find Bekah." He replied. 

She looked at him suspiciously. "How?" She asked with narrowed eyes. 

"And here I thought Rebekah was the judgy one." He joked. "What do you think I've been doing all this time?

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