8 - Family Reunion

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October 2010, Mystic Falls

"You look surprised to see me," Elijah said to Klaus as he wiped the blood off his hands. "So it wasn't you that removed the dagger from my chest." He concluded.

 "You look like you could do with a drink. And we have a lot to discuss, so shall we?" Klaus said, gesturing to the table. 

Instead of doing that, Elijah attacked, throwing Klaus across the room and in the process breaking stuff all around. The brothers continued fighting until Klaus opened up one of the caskets, pulled a dagger out of one of his siblings, and pinned Elijah against the other casket. 

"Come on, use it. I dare you. You'll have Kol to deal with." Elijah said, while Klaus choked him. Klaus eventually let him go and revealed to him that Mikael was dead. Elijah furrowed his brows. 

 "Why do our family remain in these coffins?"  Elijah asked angrily. "Finn for over 900 years, Kol for over a century. You even daggered Kassandra."

"No. She's not there anymore. I undaggered her months ago." Klaus revealed and he couldn't help but notice how Elijah's eyes widened at this. 

"What? Where is she?" Elijah asked, with a tone of desperation in his voice.


After hours in the rainy woods and reminiscing about her past, Kassie concluded this was enough for today. Just like when she arrived, she slowly made her way back to her house. Thankfully the rain was now less heavy and the sky was clearing out.

She ran up the stairs and walked inside the mansion. She put the umbrella away. "Klaus? I'm home." She announced while taking her coat off and hanging it on a rack. 

No answer. Strange. Surely he was back after all these hours. She walked across the entrance hall into a smaller room and was met with the sight of a dead body. "Klaus! What happened-

But once she raised her eyes she saw someone she hadn't seen in decades. Someone whom she constantly thought about. Someone whom she missed desperately. 

"Elijah?" His name fell from her lips in the form of a whisper.  She couldn't believe her eyes. There he was; her beloved brother, the man who practically raised her. He too was shocked, if she was going by his facial expression. It was like time itself stopped. 

"Kassandra." Before she could stop herself, she threw herself into his arms. She wrapped her arms around his neck and held on for dear life as he spun her around. She never noticed Klaus's envious gaze. 

She put her hands on Elijah's face and kissed his cheeks, unable to contain her happiness. "I missed you so much, Lijah," She said tearfully. 

He cradled her head and kissed her forehead. "Oh, my sweet girl. I missed you too." He whispered as she buried her face into his shoulder. He held her tightly, scared of letting her go. The last time he did, she was daggered. He would not let that happen ever again, his loyalty to Klaus be damned. 

Klaus cleared his throat. "Not to ruin this precious moment or anything but we have lots to discuss. Kassandra, where were you? Especially in this weather. 

Kassie released Elijah from her hug, but she still clung to his arms. "I left you a message. I went out for a walk.

"And where did you walk?" Klaus asked, getting closer to her. 

She sighed. "It's none of your business.

Klaus smirked condescendingly. "Hmmm, it's fascinating how bold you get when he's around.

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