↳ Strawhats (OS)

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Request: "Owing its speed to his metobolism, the user can quickly process poisons and alcohol before their affects can damage the body, making them immune to such attacks. The speed fruit enables all parts of the body to become faster and strong, including metabolism. As such, the user's body can become starved of energy to the point of near death if they overused it, allowing the user to have a bigger appetite than other members of the crew." Imagine Luffy and male! reader participating in an eating competition tho?

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"Ready... set... let the competition begin!"

The announcer started the little festivity on that island where you stopped, a festivity in which both you and Luffy signed up because it was nothing more than a competition to see who could devour the most food.

You fought hard against your captain, the other contestants gave up pretty quickly, but your pride took a beating, you weren't able to beat Luffy in one of these competitions, at least, not the vast majority of the time.

Yes, your fast metabolism makes you have an increased appetite, but not enough to win it, however, you were able to beat it only once, although it was after a fight in which you racked your brains because you did not stop running all day, you almost died from overusing your power, but that was the only time you could beat him.

"I... I give up!"

Your body collided so abruptly with the back of the chair that you fell directly on the floor, your arms and legs spread out like you were a sunbathing starfish, your chest rising and falling rapidly from the speed at which you ate. Luffy smiled proudly, still eating, he reached out to lift you up, you nodded as a thanks, albeit with a slight frown in defeat.

Since you had nothing to do here, because Luffy continued to eat even after winning, you decided to continue exploring the surroundings a bit more, the different stalls that the festival offered, small games, a lot of symbolic souvenirs of the place, lots of traveling merchants looking for buyers. It didn't attract much attention to you and you just went to say hello to Robin who was looking at some books together with Chopper.

You didn't know where the others were, but it didn't take you long to find Sanji and Nami, the blond seemed very focused looking at the different ingredients that a vendor was displaying while she was engaged in a verbal fight with a guy who didn't seem to listen to the attempts to Nami's haggling, you decided to stay out of their business since both seemed busy, you definitely didn't want to end up listening to Sanji rambling about what to cook or embarrass yourself because of Nami being so loud when it came to buying things at a good price.

You met the rest in a bar and it looked like it could be your second attempt to beat someone from the team in a competition, you shared looks with Zoro after you sat down at the table where Usopp, Franky, Brook and he were, you both had seen the paper that was stuck on the wall, 'drink 50 beers without passing out and get a prize, if you don't make it you will have to pay'.

"Are we betting?"

"Hell yes, what are you waiting for, old man?"

He clucked at your behavior, calling for the bartender to bring a hundred beers, you split them up and Franky counted down for you to start drinking. You were a little younger than everyone on the boat, but old enough to drink alcohol, the bad thing is that apparently not enough to handle the bitter taste, thanks to your metabolism you managed to drink the fifty beers barely without them doing some kind of effect on you, though... not before Zoro.

"You have done well, but you will not be able to surpass me so easily."

"Just wait and see marimo!"

"Someone is spending a lot of time with Sanji..."

You narrowed your eyes at Usopp making him go back to his drink as if he hadn't said anything, again, completely defeated you shrank back in your seat savoring the second loss of the day, you didn't even care that you won the award for drinking all on time, you just wanted to wallow in your misery of being the eternal second in the team.

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