Kid Pirates (OS)

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❥ Stuffed animal

Request: Tedi Tedi no Mi, Model: Grizzly The tedi tedi no mi is a zoan (or paramecia?) type devil fruit that allows the user to transform into a giant stuffed bear. When transformed the user would gain super strength, greater agility, greater endurance, Enhanced durability that can be able to withstand extreme damage and heightened sense of smell. The user might also gain some sort of immortality, when transformed as the user's head was ripped off, they were still alive although it would've been a good choice to not transform back into a human. From what is known for the moment the user's abilities are to sustain a "host" when transformed, furthermore increasing their abilities further but the one that is inside can also control them to some extent depending on the person or the "compatibility" of the pair. The more aligned with the user and their partner's are with their goals, the more powerful the monster becomes. Although the user might suffer from overheating, it makes it even worse when they're in the desert or inside the volcano but on the good side they're more tolerant to cold climates. Yes I made my own devil fruit just because I want to see some kid pirates x child! female (mute) reader where she's afraid of turning back into her normal self only because she's afraid of what they might do to her. Also they met her in a harsh cold winter environment and just when the kid pirates happen to stumble upon a cave and are currently resting there, that's when they met her (in teddy bear form that is). Of course they ended up in an unexpected surprise attack.

Pairing: Kid Pirates x child!fem!reader (platonic)

Summary: what you least expected that night was to find something similar to friends or family

Warnings: none

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Your ragged breathing calmed down after you finished escaping from some thieves on the island, you got the gold they stole from you at first, but the cost was that while you were transformed into your teddy bear form, they ripped your head off. Many times your transformation had been broken or unstitched, but you always had a method of mending yourself after breaking, which you didn't have right now, you had never tried to return to your human form with something broken, and at the moment you weren't going to check what would happen if you did.

The only good thing, other than getting what's yours back, was that a blizzard seemed to break through as the night wore on, you loved the cold weather even though you couldn't just be out in a storm, it didn't take long stacking up some wood and making a small fire in a nearby cave, you put your head on the ground while you put everything away, when you were done you decided to get some sleep.

The surprise was that later in the night a group of four pirates broke into your cave, you decided to keep yourself as an inert object to catch them by surprise when they settled down.

"Fuck, this stupid storm has ruined the plan."

"Wait, there is fire, check the depth or signs of people."

Killer didn't let his captain keep complaining about his failed plan to attack other pirates who had chased to this island, he would rather rest now that they couldn't go any further to end the whole revenge thing later.

"All clean! We just found this huge creepy teddy bear."

Heat grabbed one of your soft arms slightly lifting your body, your head rolled from your lap where it rested, Wire held it looking at the buttons that you had for eyes at that moment.

"Yeah... it looks like a cursed plushie or something like that, don't you feel that it follows you with its gaze?"

"Nonsense! It's just a stupid oversized teddy bear."

Kid grabbed your head from Wire's hands, pulling it to the side of your body, causing Heat to let go of your arm, Killer shrugged and sent to take turns watching in case the supposed person who had made the bonfire returned. You had to restrain yourself from hitting him right now for being so gross with your stuffed body, even though you barely took any damage, you don't like to get dirty, anyway, you waited a while until three of them fell asleep.

Even though you made the mistake of thinking that attacking Heat would be easier than the others, you tried to hit him when he was distracted but a huge blaze of fire immediately knocked you back, by the time you knew it everyone was awake.

"I knew that stuffed animal was cursed!"

You waved your arms complaining that it wasn't a curse, although it's not like you could talk or they could understand your signs, so a little fight broke out that consisted of you dodging most of the four men's attack, without the element of surprise for you it was a losing battle, you couldn't fight with your greatest potential because you were literally decapitated and it made vision and mobility very difficult for you, going to plan two, you tried to flee.

Key word, tried.

"Do you really think you can try to attack us and run away like nothing happened?"

Kid managed to catch you before you could escape, you were so nervous and stressed by this situation that even your button eyes began to water, Killer was the one who grabbed your head, frowning when he saw a stuffed animal cry.

"Well, this is definitely some curse, it's like someone controlled it, or someone turned into a teddy bear?"

You waved your arms again, annoyed that they mistook your power for a stupid curse, you tried to make noises to speak, trying to get them to have some mercy, but your inability to speak simply made communication impossible.

"I don't care what the fuck it is, it has attacked us and at least deserves some torture."

Your body began to move agitatedly when he brought a dagger to your arm, the least you needed now was to undo more parts of your body, luckily, Wire grabbed his captain's wrist, denying slowly, apparently he had noticed your desperation and despite the fact that your hands in this state were something more like stumps, he seemed to understand the poor attempt at sign language you were trying to make.

"Wait captain, I would like to try something."

And God itself came down to kiss you on the ass because that man saved you from being more broken, it was hard enough finding materials to fix your head, you didn't want to tear yourself up anymore. You and Wire managed to communicate in a certain way, apparently and thanks to the fact that you were able to help by guiding them around the island, they decided to forgive having attacked them, the extra help was that they sewed your head to your body for having been involved in the attack of the others pirates.

"Thank you, sorry for the surprise attack... I was scared."

You signed once you returned to your human form, which let the men's jaws drop to the ground, you were just a child no more than ten years old probably, although Kid smiled, if you had that fighting potential that he could see, you were like a rough diamond to him and despite not being a fan of children, he let you on board with the only condition that you must train your power daily and be loyal to them.

You accepted because you had never traveled outside your home island, you wanted to have an adventure as an explorer in those books that you stole to read in secret and this was your chance. They all respected you despite being a child, you were strong enough to take down most of them.

You would still be scared if you break into your teddy bear form and have to go back to your human form, no one would make you shapeshift so they had to get a lot of thread and needles, also learn how to sew to calm you down. The good thing is that finding out that Killer was a good host in battle to team up with, especially in the surprise factor because an adorable teddy bear with blades? Definitely no one expects it, you also found out that it was no better to combine with Heat because you were clearly flammable in that state.

Although you didn't trust most of them that easily, at least, Wire was the closest for being able to communicate with you much more smoothly, Kid always scolds you two because you make a lot of noise arguing by aggressively signing over a simple card game, he's just mad because he can't understand what you say, secretly he's studying sign language to know what you say.

At first you did not seek any kind of friendship with them, but inevitably time did its thing and now you are like the younger sister of the crew.

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