Whitebeard & Shanks (OS)

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Special dance

Request: Hiii how are you? I hope requests are open, I came to make my humble request! what t a fluff? where Whitebeard sees that his daughter is being excluded from a party, he is saddened and even a little angry, because they excluded his daughter for being his daughter and nobody wants to dance with Whitebeard's daughter! she has no partner to dance with and he offers to dance with her? a slightly funny scenario, but in the end, he makes his daughter very happy and the same scenario but with Teen!Shanks, where he sees Whitebeard's daughter being excluded from a party and offers to dance with her, but even though he doesn't know how to dance and ends up stepping on YN's toes, but he makes her very happy

Pairing: Whitebeard (platonic) & teen!Shanks x teen!reader

summary: nobody seems to want to be your partner to dance, luckily you manage to find someone to enjoy the night

Warnimgs: none

═════  WHITEBEARD  ═════

Your body moved slightly to the beat of the music, you scrolled through the site looking for a dance partner, there were several couples, groups or loners like you looking for someone to enjoy the songs with.

Despite the fact that there were people in your same position, no one seemed to dare to dance next to you or offer to be your partner for one of the songs. It wasn't your fault either, you understood that your father's presence was intimidating and that not everyone is brave enough to ask the daughter of a Yonko to dance, although it's not like it was the end of the world, you were enjoying the music while Whitebeard enjoyed some drinks with his comrades, a little further away from the mass of dancing people.

Although your father's smile shrank to a straight line, he saw that even though you smiled, you hoped you could enjoy a dance with someone, that and also because he listened to you for hours talking about how excited you were to be at your first ball, or at least a party that wasn't just your dad's crew.

He put his glass aside, warning that he would be back in a while, his imposing figure and presence made everyone make a hallway towards you immediately, not wanting to deal with someone like him.


You watched with a goofy grin as he offered you his big hand, maybe not what you were thinking for the night, but at least it only got better.

"Will you agree to dance with your father's old man to a song?"

"Of course! I hope your backbones don't crack."

"HAHAHA! You shouldn't say that, I still have the mobility of when I was a young man"

You laughed, squeezing his hand when a more upbeat song began to play, you stumbled, dancing without any rhythm, hitting other people —whom you apologized to at the moment— although they were all wrapped in the same frenzy thanks to the tempo. The small sadness of not finding a partner to move around the festival vanished faster than alcohol at Moby Dick.



"Thank you..."

He patted your back almost knocking you to the ground, his laugh rising slightly from the volume of the music.

"Anything for my dear daughter."

═══════ SHANKS ═══════

You were sitting up, your feet slightly sore from having spent most of the night at a festival dancing, though unfortunately, no one ventured to grab your hand and drag you onto the dance floor, you assumed it was the aftermath of your father being Whitebeard. No other teenager would dare to try something with you even though they weren't thinking of anything malicious.

Even though you understood it, it couldn't help but bother you to see how everyone seemed happy with their partners or friends dancing in a romantic or stupid way, you didn't care, you just wanted to enjoy the night but here you are, apart and watching like an outcast.

You exchanged glances with your father and noticed that he seemed angry because everyone seemed not to approach you as if you had some kind of contagious disease, although before he could do anything Roger greeted him distractingly enough for someone to call your attention, covering all your view to the dance floor.

Of course, there isn't another person on earth who isn't afraid to mess with you, Shanks smiled at you offering his hand.

"Will you accept a dance with me?"

"I don't know... I have to think about it." you looked away hiding your playful smile, listening to how the redhead sighed, putting his hand to the back of his neck, scratching the area "Don't be an idiot, let's dance, I've been waiting for this all night!"

You dragged him away, forcibly pushing aside people who had rejected or ignored you, grabbing Shanks's waist as you heard the first few notes of the song, it seemed to be a slow one.

"Wait, am I not the one who puts the hands on the waist?"

"It doesn't matter, just let yourself go, come on!"

Shanks wasn't the best with the steps of course, he stepped on you several times, although you weren't an expert either, at least you didn't end up rolling on the floor, when they changed the song to a more lively one you released the teenager to start jumping and moving your head like crazy.

"Do you have a stick up your ass? You move too stiff."

Unaccustomed to this explosion of movements on your part and everyone, he let himself go little by little, doing the strangest dance steps, you laughed so hard when he tripped over his own foot that you also ended up on the ground.

"It seems that neither of us is good for this."

He got up, dusted off his pants, and helped you to stand up.

"Speak for yourself, I only fell because of you."

"Oh come on, I wasn't that bad, was I?"

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