Chapter 27 - Study Group (Part 1)

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Month 11, Day 25, Wednesday 5:30 a.m.

Mid-week, Sebastien was woken early by forcefully hissed whispers and a few grumbling mutters. It took her longer to become alert than normal, as if her thoughts were rising through molasses. When her eyes finally gained the ability to focus, she sat up and saw that Damien Westbay, already dressed and hair perfectly groomed, was leaned over a nearby bed, shaking Alec Gervin's shoulder in an attempt to wake him. The rest of Westbay's group of followers were also up, gathering their clothes and stumbling off to the bathrooms to get dressed.

Other nearby students, who had also been awakened, complained at Westbay's noisemaking. One clamped a pillow around her head and flopped back down with a loud huff.

Sebastien rubbed the sleep from her eyes and checked her pocket watch. It was too late for her to bother going back to sleep, despite her fatigue. She stood up, swaying slightly, and made her way to the bathrooms to get dressed. 'Imbecilic troglodyte. Poor excuse for a sorcerer,' she thought with a scowl as she passed Westbay.

When she returned from the bathroom, his group was standing outside their dormitory doors and arguing. Someone had at least had the presence of mind to close the doors so they didn't continue disturbing the other students. Both Ana and Westbay held some familiar equipment in their arms.

Sebastien's gaze sharpened. They had the same devices Lacer had given her to practice with outside of class.

"Sebastien!" Ana said brightly, her hair still loose around her shoulders. Her eyes trailed over him, and she grimaced slightly. "I'm sorry if we woke you. Alec has always slept like a tranquilized rhinoceros."

As if on cue, the other girl, who had dark hair and was wearing a dress rather than the trousers Ana seemed to favor, elbowed Alec in the side without looking.

While Ana's cousin pouted and rubbed at his ribs, Sebastien straightened her clothing and ran a hand through her tangled hair, attempting to seem more awake. "It's alright—"

"Siverling rises early every morning to practice anyway, right?" Westbay said, not quite softly enough to be under his breath.

Sebastien lifted her chin. "I do," she said.

Ana smiled charmingly, seemingly oblivious to the undercurrent of tension. "Exactly. When Damien heard about it, he quite admired your work ethic. We have decided to start an early morning study session of our own."

Westbay gave Ana a dubious look, and Sebastien doubted that boy had ever stated such a charitable word as "admire" about her.

Sebastien's lips quirked up at the thought.

Ana's smile grew more cheerful, as if pure, forceful obliviousness were its own type of magic. "So! We were thinking you should join us. You are working on Professor Lacer's additional exercises, and the two of us are as well. Damien's bullied the rest of the group into accompanying us. Why not practice together? Perhaps we could exchange some pointers."

Westbay scowled. "I'm sure Siverling prefers to work without distraction."

That was true. Additionally, Sebastien didn't know half the group, and of the ones she did, the only one she liked was Anastasia. Her morning would likely become markedly less productive if she were to share it with them. She opened her mouth to refuse, but caught the faint hint of satisfaction in Westbay's expression. She wasn't sure if it was the idea of being contrary just for the sake of it, or the memory that Westbay's Family lead the coppers, and he knew about her case, that changed her mind.

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