Chapter 40 - Sleep Research (Part 1)

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Month 11, Day 30, Monday 10:30 p.m.

Sebastien felt sick with fatigue by the time her head finally hit the pillow, and it wasn't much better by morning. For once, not even the promise of learning magic was enticing enough to motivate her out of bed. Only the thought of her absence being noted managed to haul her to her feet. The coppers made another attempt to scry her before she got very far, and after it had failed and the adrenaline left her system, she felt even weaker.

She dragged through her classes, having to rush to the bathroom quite suddenly when the coppers once again scried for her. At the end of the day, she went to the market to purchase better paper, as well as supplies for the most critical potions.

The owner of the small stationery shop she visited was exceedingly solicitous, and at first she felt uncomfortable with him hovering near her and asking questions, but he turned out to be quite helpful.

"If you are looking for a fire-resistant writing surface that isn't parchment, I recommend this one-quarter seaweed blend," the man said, herding her around to the other side of the shop. "Darker, rougher, and thicker than fine vellum, but strong and long-lasting for any project you would like to withstand the rigors of time."

"Is it totally flame resistant?"

He shook his head. "Unfortunately not, but it has good performance for the price. Don't be dissuaded by the appearance. Of course, if you are insistent upon a brighter, smoother sheet, we do have more flame-resistant paper made of special magical materials—the details are a trade secret—but that option is significantly pricier."

"No, no, this is fine."

"Wonderful!" The man was so excited that she wondered if he'd been struggling to offload the seaweed paper. "What size would you like? We can cut it for you here, free of charge."

Sebastien paused. The idea that she could get larger paper had never crossed her mind. She'd been stuck thinking that she would have something like a mini-tome of magic, filled with journal-sized spell arrays. But if that wasn't the case, it gave her even more options. "No need. I need a variety of sizes, so I'll be cutting it myself," she said, grinning almost as wide as the shopkeeper.

A couple of gold lighter, she made her way to Dryden Manor. Oliver himself wasn't there, but she set up the brewing station in his study anyway.

As she stirred the steaming cauldron over the small batch of grainy blood-clotting potion within, she had trouble focusing the full strength of her Will. Her eyelids would droop and her mind's grip on the magic would loosen without her even realizing it, only for her to jerk back to alertness.

The third time this happened, the magic almost slipped from her grip entirely. It frightened her enough that she stepped away from the cauldron and took a few minutes to cast some wakefulness magic on coffee pilfered from Oliver's kitchen. When she knocked back the mixture in a single swallow, coffee grounds and all, she got enough of a rush to make it through the remainder of the potion.

Oliver still hadn't returned by the time she'd brewed a small batch of blood-clotting potions. She took one for herself and left the rest for him with a scribbled note.

The servants persuaded her to stay for dinner in the kitchen, more than happy to add her to their table. As Sebastien stuffed herself to make up for all the energy she'd expended channeling magic, Sharon fussed over the circles under Sebastien's eyes and tutted about the University's poor food quality.

When Sebastien returned to the dorms that evening, she thought, 'I need to practice my new spells just like I practice the exercises for Professor Lacer's class if I want to be able to use them in a practical setting.' The acknowledgment gave her no extra energy, however, so she went to sleep instead.

The nightmares came particularly strong, seeming to defy her attempts to suppress them with magic. After she woke with a pounding heart and a scream choked off in her throat, she gave up on sleep and used the time to study the theory behind the new utility spells she would be putting on paper.

She felt no better than the day before, and after lunch her body decided it was a perfect time to catch up on all her deferred sleep, so she went back to the dorms for a short nap.

Newton noticed her struggling to get out of bed in order to make it to Defensive Magic, and stubbornly hauled her off to the infirmary. "I understand the desire to perform to the best of your abilities, but you have to recognize when you are in need of rest, Sebastien," he said. "It won't go away just because you keep pushing. The pressure only grows worse. Trust me, I know from experience." He had shadows under his own eyes, and his clothes were a little more rumpled than usual.

"I've just been having trouble sleeping," she said. "I'm fine, really."

"You'll get sick if you keep pushing beyond your limits. If you're lucky, it'll only be physical, and not cause any damage to your Will."

"I'm missing class right now," she protested. "And Fekten just gives the lectures, not any reading or homework. If I'm not there, I'll miss the entire topic for today, along with the participation points toward my grade."

"The infirmary will give you a pass," Newton replied, undeterred. He waved, ushering her in ahead of him, as if to make sure she couldn't escape behind his back.

'They cannot know I had Will-strain. They might ask questions.' But she couldn't say that aloud, couldn't explain that she didn't want to seem any different than the other students to avoid drawing suspicion to herself.

To her surprise and relief, the woman who came over to deal with them seemed completely unsurprised when Newton volunteered the symptoms he'd noticed. "You're the third one today, and that's only of the students I've dealt with personally. Sometimes I think they push you all too hard. Are you experiencing any signs of Will-strain?"

Sebastien started to shake her head, but stopped when Newton raised his eyebrows skeptically. "Well, I have had some headaches," she admitted. "But I think it's just from the lack of sleep. The dorms, you know... I'm not used to sleeping with so many people all around me."

"He wakes up and practices casting in the middle of the night," Newton corrected.

The healer and student liaison shared a knowing look. "Well, I'm going to prescribe two days of rest from any practical exercises, as well as a mild anti-anxiety potion. The potion should last you for a couple of weeks, at single-sip doses. You can take it twice a day: once in the morning before breakfast, and once before bed. Please come back for more at the end of that period, if you feel you need it."

Newton gave her a thumbs-up. "I'll make sure he does."

Sebastien rolled her eyes, but neither of the other two seemed to find her exasperation worth noting.

They made her take the first anti-anxiety potion before leaving. While Sebastien disliked the artificial sense of serenity, she had to admit that she had also lost any desire to attend Fekten's Defensive Magic class, as the idea of physical exercise sounded torturous when she could be resting in her little cubicle instead.

"I'll have one of your friends write down notes from Fekten's lecture," Newton said once he'd returned her to the dorms. "Rest easy, you won't miss anything important."

She hummed gratefully and found herself casting her dreamless sleep spell without even worrying that Newton was watching.

He drew the curtains around her bed, and she slipped into sleep while the sound of his footsteps was still fading into the distance.

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