Chapter 47 - Useless Clutter (Part 1)

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Month 12, Day 9, Wednesday 3:45 p.m.

As Sebastien left the Practical Casting classroom, Anastasia and Westbay fell into step on either side of her.

"That was amazing!" Westbay crowed, his grey eyes bright and glinting. "I can't believe Professor Lacer isn't an Archmage already. Did you see that turtle? He turned clay into flesh."

"Most impressive," Ana agreed. "Do you think he was making some sort of allusion to the task given to Myrddin by the dragon?"


"Well, as you said, he's not an Archmage yet. That classroom holds several members related to the council of Grandmasters that he would need to confirm him. Perhaps he hopes to subtly influence the council's decision by pairing himself to Myrddin in the eyes of their beloved family members. At some point, they won't be able to deny him without being seen as petty and foolish to the masses."

"Well...I suppose that's possible," Westbay said doubtfully. "But do you think he even cares about the title?"

"Who knows? Titles can hold power. Freedom," Ana said, her fingers absently stroking the spine of the ornate pink journal she carried with her everywhere and wrote in every evening.

"What I want to know is whether that turtle was edible," Westbay said, turning to Sebastien. "If I were trapped in a dungeon cell, with only the stones in the wall around me and some turtle eggs, could I create an edible creature? Not a living one, but flesh that would provide calories and nutrition?"

Sebastien raised her eyebrows as they stepped into the Great Hall. "I doubt you could. Or any of us. Rather than flesh, stone to a simple sugar might be possible, and could keep you alive, if not healthy. Besides, if you're trapped in a dungeon cell and somehow have enough power to transmogrify stone into an edible, dead turtle, I think there are better uses for your efforts. Like escaping."

Westbay blinked a couple times before launching into a response, but Sebastien's attention was drawn to the far side of the Great Hall, where Newton was stepping down from the stage where the contribution point prizes were displayed. The older young man looked tired, but not much worse than he had a couple of days before. 'Is he looking for something to help his father? Or maybe something he could sell for gold?'

The thought was a reminder of her own situation. Everything in this city cost too much, and she was running low on coins. After what she set aside to repay Oliver for Healer Nidson's fee, she was once again poor. Aside from the emergency gold hidden in the lining of her jacket and boots, she had a little less than eight gold crowns to her name. At one point, she would have considered that a fortune. Now, she knew how little it could actually get her.

She had a few contribution points by now, earned by performing well in her classes and on tests. 'Perhaps there will be something I could afford.' "I'm going to look at the prizes," she announced, interrupting whatever Westbay was saying and striding away immediately.

Westbay grumbled, "Were you even listening?" as he hurried to catch up.

"No, not at all," Sebastien admitted. It was the truth, but just because she hadn't been actively listening didn't mean she didn't hear. "You said that in this hypothetical situation, maybe the dungeon cell had some sort of protective warding that didn't allow you to break out, and no one was coming to feed you because they were afraid you would attack them, so they were hoping to kill you through simple starvation, and wouldn't they be surprised when they came to check on you a month later and the cell was filled with turtle corpses, and you'd made turtle-shell armor and weapons and were ready and waiting?"

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