We Are Who We Are

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People always judge us based on society's rules
The way we handle things makes them think we're complete fools
We may be stubborn but we aren't naive or stupid
Our voices are treated like a television that's been muted
Too afraid to speak out for no one truly understands us
Some perceive it as being cold and others think it's distrust
When everyone around you tells you your thoughts are wrong
You start to doubt yourself and believe you don't belong

But when you finally find that one person who truly understands you
It's as if the clouds gave way and the sun finally broke through
Finally having someone to tell your deepest thoughts and fears
It gives you a sense that perhaps you aren't so alone and blue
You draw on each other's strength during times of chaos
When everything is out of focus and is a complete mess

Please don't mistaken our stubborness for wanting to pick fights
We are just trying to do what we feel in our heart is right
It may seem our lives aren't in order and our futures are questionable
We've got our own plans and will provide a future that is stable

So stop comparing us to the other people around us
we aren't like them at all but put in us some faith and trust
For we can carve ourselves a future so very bright
Just wait for us to take to the air in flight.

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