Mirror, Mirror

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Mirror, mirror
Who do you see?
I see someone
Staring at me.
Mirror, Mirror
What do you see?
I see all their
Darkest fears and
Deepest desires.
Their hopes and dreams
Exposed fully
To me without
Mirror, Mirror
Can you see my
Future? Please tell me
What I have to
Look forward to.
I can't see your
Future. But I can
See into your past
By looking through
Your eyes. I see
A life of pain
And suffering.
Full of lies and
cheats and deceit.
But I also
See the demons
You've fought against.
The scars you sport
On your body
That shows where you've
Been and the things
You have survived.
Mirror, Mirror
What do you see?
I see the eyes
Of someone with
An amazing
Soul and the heart
Of a brave and
Strong warrior.
Mirror, Mirror
What should I do?
Hold your head up
High and stand with
Pride. You are a
Warrior and
You need to see
Yourself that way.
Be brave, loyal
Strong, proud and great.

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