Sink Or Swim

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Sink or swim, these are the only choices given
When we start to float, something pulls me back down
It sometimes feels like there are anchors attached to our ankles
The weight is dragging us down to the depths of hell
And no matter how hard we try to swim up to the surface
It always seems like we are not making any progress
And that we're always just under the surface of the waters
Gasping for air and hoping for a break in the constant waves
When all hope seems lost, someone or something pulls you up
Sometimes the break you're looking for is right in front of you
We just need to keep swimming against the current to our destination
To sink or to swim, that is the real question we face everyday
Sinking in to the depths of the ocean is the easy choice
Letting life's problems and pressure drag us down to the ocean floor
Swimming up towards the surface with everything weighing us down is hard
But once we break through the surface and get a breath of the fresh air
Everything you've worked through would have been worth it
The pain, the stress and the pressure will all have worth it
The sweet taste of success will make up for all the negativity in the world

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