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3rd Pov

You had wakened up by c/n's toe-beans slapping you on your face. Pissed, you shoo'd him away and got up not fixing the bed. You'll do it later.

Kissing your grandma and mom goodbye, you left, walking.

Y/n's pov

"Damn, did that ramen last night hit all the good spots. Maybe i should get the beef one next time?"

I pondered walking into the classroom, greeting some of my classmates, but my friend, Zay, wasn't here yet.

Groaning, I sit in my seat sleepy from being up all night, watching Too Cute.

Resting my head on my desk, I heard the annoying voice of Colton Choi, a bully and an asshole.

Signing, I try to go back to sleep.

Waking up from my nap to Zay, nudging me, wasn't all that pleasant,
Slapping her hand away, I lifted my head up, rubbing the sleep from my eyes.

"What do you want?"

After speaking, a yawn stopped me from continuing. " Colton Choi, got his shit rocked." My red-haired best friend said, ranting about how Gray Yeon, the boy that sits in front of us, beat the shit out of Colton, adding some hand motions, as she finishes with her saying that he slapped him until his nose bled.


"Did you record it?"

"Hell yeah! I even sent it to the group chat."

"Nice nice."

I nodded, now being fully awake. As I stretched my arms a little, grabbing my school bag, I opened it, pulling out my books and pencil. Organizing them on my desk, closing it.

Writing in my workbook, I turned to look at Zay, who was looking like she was having a hard time. Iconic of her.

"Lemme help." I grabbed her book, ignoring her trying to tell me to give it back. I saw that she was doing surprisingly great, only got two wrong. 'No worries.' I grinned, erasing the mistakes. Using my non-dominant hand to chop away at her grabby hands.

The three boys that I now noticed, who were staring at Gray as he was writing in his book. Turned some of their attention to me and zay.

Aw shit.

I gave zay back her book, turning to my own book, as I tried to ignore the boys outside of our class. Even covering my face.

When they finally left, I sighed.

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