Part 1

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Eric's POV:

To woe is my own, in my space I should be free

Is locked by myself, and my rampant sympathy

For the one I share a home with, has yet to glance at me.

This was the third poem I wrote today. When I arrived at college, I expected my roommate to be... different. I knew that my new roommate wouldn't be my new best friend, but I sort of expected him to tell me his name, at least. The only time he spoke to me was when I first arrived. I'd almost taken my belongings to his room, rather than my own, and he showed me to my own room. To my utter embarrassment, I might add.

Perhaps I'll ask his name later.

Finn's POV:

It was cold in the dorm. I like it much better that way. My new roommate shivered as soon as he stepped in. I would have laughed if it wasn't so pathetic. Speaking of my roommate, he seemed to watch me wherever I went, like he was waiting for me to do something. Hope I didn't get stuck with one of the weirdos. If he did need something, he'd better ask soon. Kinda pisses me off that all he does is sit and stare sadly at me, sigh, and write something down in his notebook. Can't get too mad, though. I'd beat him to a pulp if we ever fought. Maybe I shouldn't be thinking about beating up my new roommate before I even learned his name. Is that why he was staring so much? Maybe because I hadn't introduced myself at all? I should probably do something about that, then.

Eric's POV:

My roommate finally got up, after staring at the wall for a surprisingly long time. Even more surprisingly, he walked right up to me.

"Hey," he said, in what I think was his attempt at kindness. "Never told me your name, did you?"

I smiled in a friendly manner. "Ah, yes. My name is Eric Uriah. And you?"

He paused for a moment and then answered. "I'm Finn Ember. I wanted to introduce myself properly, but I also wanted to do it before I left."

"Before you left? Where are you going?"

He looks at me strangely. Right. I'm just his roommate. What do I care where he's going? I can practically hear what he's thinking. "Why does this weirdo want to know about my whereabouts?" That's probably it. We aren't close or anything, so I shouldn't care where he's going. And I really don't, I remind myself. I just said it to keep the flow of the conversation. Oh, there I go again. Rambling on to myself. Way to make yourself seem appealing to your first shot at a friend, Eric. Well done. I almost roll my eyes, but then I remember I'm in the middle of an (embarrassing) conversation. I focus on Finn again. He shrugs.

"Just going to a party to welcome the new freshmen. Sort of a tradition, but hardly anyone decides to show. Probably why you've never heard of it."

Actually, I had. I'd definitely heard of freshman "orientation", which basically means that all the freshmen get really drunk, have sex, regret it, and go back home again. No wonder I wasn't going. So why was he? Surely he knew the same thing. Who knows, maybe that's the whole reason he's going. But, for good measure, I should ask.

"You mean the same freshman party where everybody gets hella drunk, and goes totally mental? That freshman party?"

"Yep, that freshman party." He sighs. "My friends are begging me to go, and they'll totally call me a wuss if I don't show. Better to show up at the beginning of the party, and leave at the time where everybody gets super drunk and forgets they were even there in the first place. Always my go-to party trick. Bit of a disappearing act."

Well, that's a better reason than I could've come up with.

"Why?" He asks. "Wanna come with?"

Shit. My least favorite question. I would love to stay home and not do anything, but we all know that's not what I end up saying. I always end up saying...

"Uh... sure. Why not? I'll leave when you do, before anything happens. Besides, I was just about finished with my... poems..." My face turns completely red. I did not just share my most embarrassing hobby with a total stranger! Finn nods.

"Great," he says, not batting an eye at my remark about my hobby. "We'll leave as soon as you're ready, then."

I nod, and hurriedly gather my things, still quite red in the face. When I'm ready, I meet Finn at the door where he's waiting for me.

"Sorry I took so long. I haven't organized my room yet. It's a total mess right now."

"Don't sweat it." Finn opens the door for me, holding it while I walk out, before he flashes me a grin. "And I'd love to read some of those poems sometime."

I whip my head around and smack my face into the door, and rub at it with the red scarf around my neck.

"Huh? Wha..?" I stutter and yet again, my face turns an embarrassing shade of rosy-pink.

"You heard me. Poems. Can't write 'em myself, but I can still appreciate an artist's work, you know?" He shrugs and starts to walk down the dorm building hallway.

I regain my composure and quicken my pace to walk beside him.

"...Sorry. Those poems are... sorta private, at least for now. When I'm confident in them, I'm sure I'll show you one day." I give him a small, genuine smile.

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