Part 9

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Finn's POV:

This is nice. I don't have a great idea of what's going on, but it's nice. Eric seems much more... forward tonight, to say the least. I'm sure he'll be beyond embarrassed when he wakes up, but for now, I'd kind of like to enjoy this quiet moment of something that might not ever be. I lay my head on top of Eric's, lightly, so as not to wake him. I sigh and close my eyes, enjoying the serenity of this moment.

This is honestly so much better than that first night we met. Now it seems like we have some sort of a connection, almost like what we have right now (whatever it is) means something. Like we have a real bond. Being completely honest, I've never really felt like I've had a "bond" quite like this one before. My sister and I have a bond, sure. But our bond is more of a mutual tolerance (like most siblings), and of course that means I'd give her a kidney if she needed one, but I wouldn't let her borrow any of my things. The bond I have with Eric feels differently than any of my other relationships. It's a bit hard to explain. Whenever I'm with him, it feels like he's the only person in the world. I can't help but smile when he's smiling, and I think I'd be alright spending every day of my life from now on with him. That sounds like I'm moving really fast, but really, every second I'm with Eric is even better than the last. I think life would be so much more enjoyable with Eric around me for the rest of time.


When morning finally rolled around, Eric was still asleep. I had gotten some (much needed) sleep as well, but not nearly as much. It's honestly a bit nerve wracking to have someone sleeping leaned against you. You can't move, for fear of waking them up, so you're always really sore and your muscles are too tight to move.

At some point during the night, I must have moved, because now I was laying down on the couch, instead of sitting straight up like I had been before. Eric was sleeping half next to me and half on top of me, and I'm not sure how that's comfortable at all. He's still sleeping, though, so I suppose it isn't as bad as I'm imagining. Or maybe he's just more fatigued than I thought. I think it's cute, trying his best to stay up just to hang out with me. It's really nice to have someone value the time they spend with you. If only Eric knew how much I valued my time with him. I mean... what's really stopping me from telling him, though? Everyone deserves proper communication in their life, especially in any possible romance. I am a strict believer in the supremacy of honesty. While I do try my best to be honest, it's not really necessary, since keeping secrets isn't my forte. Besides, people like Eric make me want to be an honest person. People like that make me almost sure that keeping secrets is entirely wrong, and everyone deserves to know the truth.

About fifteen minutes later, Eric began to stir a little. I'm a little relieved that he's waking up, because damn, I'm getting really sore laying here like this. But I kind of don't want this moment to end. The peace of this moment makes me want it to last forever. Then again, I'd rather hang out and talk with Eric than just lay here and watch him sleep. That's really creepy, not gonna lie.

Eric lets out a breath and opens one eye. As soon as he does so, he's met with my face about five inches away from his own. He stifles a gasp and sits up quickly. This doesn't take away the intimacy of the situation, however, since he's now sitting directly on top of my stomach, straddling my torso.

To my surprise, he doesn't move, but instead reaches over to the side table next to the couch and grabs his phone. He turns it on, checking the time, and stifles yet another gasp.

"Fuck! I'm gonna miss my class!"

Eric looks around in a panic, and then looks down at me, completely missing the awkwardness of this situation. I guess it doesn't really have to be awkward. It's not like this is some rom-com show.

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