★ ⁺ from pace with love.

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There we have it. 24 chapters later, we are at the end of Disce.

Of course I have to thank Bisco Hatori and everyone responsible for bringing OHSHC together. Even if we never get that second season, we did at least get one and the manga did things to my heart, not going to lie. Major props to them for making me giggle and kick my feet in the air.

Inspiration for this fic probably came from reading other people's fics. One good thing about being part of an older fandom is the wealth of fanwork you can find, and all of the fics and fanart fed me well.

My main goal for this fic was to write something light and fluffy and just to spend some time vibing with the Host Club. I just wanted to get my feet wet and see what writing for OHSHC would be like. I wanted to get a feel for the characters and how to write their dynamics. I hope I was able to find a balance between the ridiculousness OHSHC is known for and some of the deeper characterization. Some of my favourite moments from the series was when we got to take a step back and see all of the hosts outside of the club. While I didn't include much of that in this fic, it's definitely something I'd like to explore.

Adding on to that, because this fic is a various x reader (sorta haha), I didn't get to delve as much into the characters as I would have liked. All of the characters have interesting backgrounds and family dynamics that I think would be fun to get into. In the future, I'd probably dedicate a separate fic for each host so we can see more of them outside of the club. Aspects like Kyoya being the youngest child, Tamaki's relationship with his father, the twins' and their identity ... there's some good stuff. I'd love to dive into it :')

Regardless, I tried to incorporate a bit of the hosts' backstory into the fic as much as I could. It would have been nice to explore everyone more in-depth, but then this fic would have been massive and gone on forever. Oh well.

I had a great time writing this fic. I loved thinking up new interactions for everyone and just describing their day to day activities. I especially loved writing for Hikaru and Kyoya. They're probably at least a little out of character, but the sass was non negotiable. I also found that roping Renge into it all was necessary. Sometimes I forget she's part of the Host Club but she always makes me laugh.

Also in the future, I'd like to include more characters from OHSHC besides the hosts. Ranka Kasanoda, Nekozawa... I have a feeling I could make some chaos for them >:).

Thank you so much for reading this fic! Whether you were here from the beginning or you're just stopping by, thank you for giving me a bit of your time. I appreciated every comment and heart this fic got. I hope this fic made you smile :DD

Let me know if you have any questions about the fic or have anything you might want to say. Hopefully I'll see you in some of my other fics. But if not, thank you again for reading. Here's to more OHSHC to come.

— from pace with love.

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