2 - Klaus & Aestoria

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Quote/Lyrics for this chapter are above!

This chapter will be from the 3rd & Killian's perspectives

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This chapter will be from the 3rd & Killian's perspectives.

Killian calling Klaus by anything but his name was definitely inspired by -ripperstxfan & her story A Thousand Years! It's definitely one of my favorite fics on here! Her character Eve is definitely a favorite of mine too!

My original plan was for him to be more grumpy but when I started the first chapter it wasn't happening tbh. I struggled a bit but I figured he'd be more cocky or sarcastic tbh. Plus, I kinda want him to have a hate & bitter relationship with the Salvatore's& Elena. Maybe Matt & a bit if Tyler but I haven't decided in them yet tho. More so Tyler tbh.

Aestoria will be in the next chapter.

A bit random but it's me, her voice is a bit softer, a little raspy at times & feminine. She also has a British with a slight Spanish accent mixed together. I wanted to put that out there incase anyone wanted to know or how you wanted to imagine her voice it's like that.

Part of her backstory in the beginning or at least in the middle of this chapter.

When Elijah comes into the picture & he'll kinda explain a bit more of her backstory a bit more in the future. 

I'd grab yourself some tissues & probs lots of them babes you'll need them!

This is mostly a short filler chapter. The next chapter will also be more of a filler too a bit. I hadn't realized the until I wrote these chapters. 😅

Enjoy this chapter my wonderful weirdos! 🩵

So while editing this a bit there are parts when it's a mix of Killian's perspective & 3rd POV. Sorry about that & for not breaking it up. 😅 I'll leave it as is cause I'm tired atm. I also might post the next chapter for this story either Tuesday night or Thursday night.

Sunday afternoon or Sunday night I'll be posting the first chapter for Now That We Don't Talk. Then the second chapter will go up Friday. I'm posting the slightly edited & finished chapters atm. ❤️

-This chapter has not been edited or checked for spelling mistakes, so if there's mistakes lmk. I'll try to fix them once the entire story is complete.-

I groaned as I touched the side of my head.

What the hell happened?

I looked over to see Katherine who looked a bit terrified.

She then handed me a glass of water, some Tylenol and a blood-bag.

I softly say "Thanks. What the hell happened and where am I?" I gulped down the Tylenol and gulped the blood-bag down.

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