I Said No, You Know, Like A Liar

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Concussions are the funnest things in the world, said no one ever. I had a concussion when I was in first grade. I was at a park and I was playing tag with my brother and old friend. My brother told me to tell the old friend "Tag, no tag backs." So I did, and then I turned and ran straight into a wooden pole.

I used to play soccer as a young child. Then I decided to ref for soccer. In order to be a ref, I had to be trained in concussion safety. Because of that, I knew the symptoms and signs of a concussion.

When the semi hit the Impala, I hit my head against the window pretty hard. I knew I didn't get hurt as bad as Dean though. I did feel around my head to check for a bump, which there was a small one. Sam was unconscious for a few minutes and then opened his eyes.

The semi driver walked over to the Impala and ripped the door off of the car. Sam held the Colt towards the semi driver and threatened him. With that threat, the demon inhabiting the semi driver flew off into the night in the form of black smoke.

Sam tries waking John up and then tries waking Dean up. Without an answer from both of them, he moves onto checking to see if I'm awake.


The only answer I give him is a small whimper and my breathing picking up. My parents died from a car accident, and I was just in one. I couldn't think about what was going to happen to Sam, Dean, and John, I could only think of my parents.

Another thing that's the funnest thing in the world, panic attacks. What's even better are panic attacks without any kind of anxiety medicine. That's where I was at this point - having a panic attack without my anxiety medicine.

An ambulance arrived eventually. Time was flying by due to having more than one panic attack. Sam was trying to help John and Dean. I felt useless. I wanted to help, I just couldn't get out of my head, couldn't stop panicking, couldn't even move. The EMTs pulled Dean out of the car first, and then John. Sam and I were helped out last.

A helicopter was brought in to rush Dean and John to the hospital while Sam and I were placed in ambulances. Being around too much noise and too many unfamiliar people, along with the horror of remembering what happened with my parents, and then adding on my mental illnesses/disorders, I couldn't calm down. So the EMTs in my ambulance started an IV and gave anxiety medicine through it.

We all arrived at the hospital eventually. When I was calm enough, I had told the EMTs about my mental illnesses and what I was feeling to the best of my ability. When I saw the doctor, they ordered a CT scan to check my brain, and then gave me some fluids since I was pretty dehydrated. Self care is a huge issue for me, even before I came to this universe.

Fluids were really annoying because then I have to pee a lot and that was such an inconvenience. It took some time, but Sam came to check in on me. I told him he needed to spend time with his dad and then explained to him what was going to happen.

"Dean almost dies a bunch of times, there's pretty much no hope for him until John decides to do something to save him. John has you get a list of ingredients from Bobby so he can summon Azazel, or as you know him, Yellow-Eyes. John makes a deal with Azazel and Azazel accepts. John dies for Dean without telling either of you," I explain sadly.

Sam sighs, rubbing a hand across his face. He nods and leaves my room. A few minutes later, the doctor comes in the room and informs me that I have a concussion, but no other serious injuries. He says he's going to prescribe me pain meds for it.

He tells me I'm good with the fluids they gave me and the meds they've prescribed, so he discharges me. The nurse comes in and removes the IV. I find Sam leaving John's room and ask him to go with him, wherever he's going.

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