So Maybe I'm Not Okay

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The only word in my mind was 'fuck', and it was said repeatedly. Over and over. I was absolutely freaking out about what happened, and Gabriel's grace that calmed me down was quickly leaving my head.

What was worse is that I have to somehow explain angels, archangels, and apparently now soulmates to Sam, Dean, and Bobby. I really just wanted to run away and hide. I know the sigil to keep angels out, I could very well hide.

I've decided it. I am booking it out of here. Before Sam and Dean could find me, and before I could change my mind, I found a ride. I remembered some abandoned cabin from the show and was dropped off there. As soon as I entered the cabin, I made all the sigils I needed to make.

I'm so glad I have a bag of stuff with me, including my notebooks, pens, and some clothes. I always had my phone and headphones in my pocket, so I took my phone out and blasted Six: The Musical. Singing along, I made the cabin clean enough to live in and double checked the sigils.

I felt kind of bad for ditching the brothers because I could help them, but at the same time, I was freaking out over what I just learned and there was no way they would believe me. Another big reason I ran was because now Gabriel can't find me. Like, yes, I loved his character when he wasn't face to face with me, but this was a whole new level.

- Sam's POV -

Dean and I couldn't find Odessa when we went looking for her after Bobby revealed that we were dealing with a trickster. So we started where we knew she last was: in the building we sent her to. We ran into the janitor and asked if he's seen Odessa.

"Uh, yeah. She left an hour and a half ago," the janitor said.

I glanced at Dean with concern because we had our suspicions about the janitor being the trickster. When I looked back at him, he looked confused and also concerned.

"What did you two buffoons do?" The janitor asked us.

"What do you mean?" Dean snapped.

"Great. Didn't want to have to reveal myself this soon, but you dumbasses are stupid," the janitor says, rolling his eyes as the shadows of six huge wings appeared. His eyes glowed golden as well.

"What the fuck..." Dean whispered.

"I'm Gabriel, the archangel. Literally. Angels have soulmates, their soulmates can see the angel's wings, not just the shadows. Odessa saw my wings, and I calmed her down from freaking out before sending her back to you two. I'm guessing she didn't make it back to you or you wouldn't be here asking about her."

I stared at the apparent archangel in shock. I always believed in something higher, like god and angels. I snapped out of my shock because Odessa might need help and we needed to find her before someone else figured out who she was or where she was from.

"Okay, we need to figure out where she is," I decided.

"Yeah, we do. If anything happens to her, you two will be dead," Gabriel threatens.

Dean and I call Bobby to inform him of everything, also making sure to ask if he's seen Odessa, but he hasn't. We ask around if anyone had seen her, and just as we're about to give up on asking, someone tells us they saw her anxiously asking for a ride from someone.

Quickly going back to Gabriel, we found him pacing around. When we told him what we found out, he punched a wall.

"Apparently, I didn't calm her down enough. She ran away. We have to find her. Mostly because she's mine, but a small part is because she knows everything that should happen, and there are monsters out there that will want her knowledge," Gabriel muttered out.

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