Pocket Full of Lightning

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"I'm so confused." diego says

"Shocking." allison mutters but loud enough for diego to hear and he glares at her

"Well, someone killed our mothers, so we shouldn't exist. But clearly we do exist, and the universe can't handle it, which is the problem." viktor explains

"Big problem." Five agrees and takes a sip of his coffee

"Yah!" stanly does a karate kick

"Stanley! Now is not the time to be doing karate, okay?" diego yells

"Mom said I need practice."

"Yeah, well, she's not wrong. You're very bad."

"Well, I saved your pathetic ass."

"Okay, hold on. Five, so we caused a paradox. What does that mean?" allison asks

"It's hard to say. It's all been theoretical until now, but things have started to disappear." five responds

"What things?" viktor asks

"Right now? Uh, Lobsters."

"And, a shit ton of cows." klaus adds

"But I have a feeling this is just the beginning."

"A feeling? Aren't you retired?" allison asks

"I want nothing more."

"You know, you can't keep dragging us through hell because you have an itch only an apocalypse can scratch and then expect us to deal with the fallout. You're not the boss."

"Fine, I'm the messenger, and I'm telling you something terrible is coming."

"Then let's go attack the Sparrows, get the briefcase, and go home."

"This is our home, Allison. Accept it." stanley knocks over stuff with his karate stick and everyone looks at him

"That's it! I'm telling your mom." diego yells

"Ooh!" stanley says sarcastically

"Wait, where's Lila?" five asks

"Shower. I told her she could stay with us."

"Wait, when did Lila get back?" viktor asks and Five starts walking away

"Wait, Five." you say

"Five, where you going?" diego asks

"Go talk to somebody who only has half her head up her ass. Y/n, stay here, I'll be back."

"Uh, okay." you say

"Don't leave, Five. Don't leave." klaus says

"No, Klaus. I'm leaving." five walks away

"I mean, he has a pretty good track record with this stuff. I feel like we should listen to him" viktor says

"Agreed." you nod

"Sure. Hey, quick question." klaus says and stands up

"Cobra Kai! Yeah!" stanley yells and karate kicks the air

"Do none of you heartless bastards care about our murdered moms?" klaus asks

"Klaus..." you start to say but can't think of anything

"Klaus, the only one that we knew plugged into a wall." diego responds

"Oh yeah? Well, this is my real mother. And she's called Rachel. And I have her eyes. See? Come on! We need to find out who did this! This is the thing! This is the main thing!"

From Rivals to Romance: Y/N and Five Hargreeves (Season 3 book 3)Where stories live. Discover now