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"Let's never do that again." Viktor says

"What, narrowly escape the apocalypse?" five asks

"It's kind of our thing, isn't it?" diego says

"There's something very wrong about that." allison says looking at the backwards buffalo ass

"Same suite, just ass-backward." lila says

"No hyperbole there." five says

"Quite literally." you say

"This is some hardcore Alice in Wonderland shit." ben says

"Yeah, it only gets weirder." diego says and then reginald runs in the suite and closes the door behind him

"At last, the other side." reggie says

"Wait. Where's Klaus?" viktor asks

"Children, I'm sorry, but your brother... I did all I could, but he didn't make it through in time. The Kugelblitz has claimed its last victim."

"No, he was right behind me when I entered the tunnel." five says

"Five is right, he was right behind him, he should've come in a few seconds after us." you say

"We need to go back." sloane says

"There's nothing to go back to. Children, there will be time for tears later. Right now, we have to keep moving." reginald says and walks out of the room

"Wait. Luther and Klaus?" viktor says


"It's magnificent." reginald says

"You guys should've stayed here. This place is way nicer." ben says

"Lila and I barely got out alive last time. Remember?" diego says

"But I'm here this time, and the numbers are in our favor."

"Well, whatever it was, it was strong, fast, and super pissed." lila says

"Alright, so, whatever you do, do not ring this bell. Unless you want to lose a finger or a tentacle." diego says and ben rolls his eyes

"I'll take my chances--" sloane says but lila blocks her

"Don't!" lila says

"Get out of my way."

"To get out of this thing, we need to be in the right state of mind."

"State of mind? Do you mean, am I angry? Yes, I am angry. I wanna kill whatever it is that hurt Luther."

"Luther isn't the only one that's gone. We lost Klaus too. I'm angry, okay? We all are. We have to be smart about this." viktor says

"Yeah. When the time is right, we'll act." lila says

"Don't even try it, Five. Doors won't let you out." diego says as Five walked closer to the doors but stopped when Diego said that

"So, what, we're stuck here?" allison asks

"This place is a test and a trap and a means of salvation, all at once." reginald says

"Does anyone know what that sign says?" viktor points to the sign on the front desk

"Yeah, it says "Do not ring the bell." That's what that means." diego says

"We get it, Diego. Bell bad. What do we do? Does anybody know?" five asks

"Reggie?" Allison asks "Reggie."

"I'm hungry. Does anyone fancy an unagi roll?" lila asks"

"I could, I'm starving." you walk with Lila to the sushi

From Rivals to Romance: Y/N and Five Hargreeves (Season 3 book 3)Where stories live. Discover now