Kindest Cut

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Harlan started walking away but Viktor followed him, you followed after both of them secretly

"How do you know our mothers? What did you do to them?" viktor asks

"Tapes. I need my tapes." harlan says

"Hey. I'm talking to you! No! No. Not until you tell me the truth."

"I could tear you to atoms."

"Try it." both of them start glowing and the building is shaking

"Oh shit." you whisper and run down the hall, you hear a loud noise and hesitate to go any further "Eh. I'm sure he's fine." you go in your room and get changed

" you go in your room and get changed

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You can change to whatever you want

You go down into the lobby and sit at the bar, you get a coke and think intensely "So Harlan killed our mothers, huh?" you mutter and scoff. You see Viktor come down in the elevator with a scratch on his face and then Luther also comes in the lobby, you follow after them 'cause your bored

"Hey. Have you seen Allison?" viktor asks

"What the hell happened?" luther asks when he sees the scratch on her face

"It's, uh... It's not as bad as it looks."

"It doesn't even look bad, it looks like a cat scratched you lightly." you say walking up to them

"It looks pretty deep to me." luther says

"You're over exaggerating, it doesn't look bad at all."

"Did Harlan do that?"

"We just got into a disagreement." viktor says

"About what?"

"It doesn't matter."

"Actually, it does matter. It seems pretty crucial to me." you say crossing your arms and walking towards viktor and viktor looks confused and then Diego walks up to you all

"So I just checked the perimeter. We're good. Now, we're gonna have to take turns." diego says and luther gasps when he sees a big red mark on the back of Diego's neck

"Oh my God! What happened to you? Was it Harlan?" luther asks


"The Sparrows are right. He shouldn't be here. He's dangerous."

"He's only dangerous because I made him that way. This is my problem, and I appreciate your concern, but I'm gonna figure it out. I'm gonna fix it." viktor says then allison walks up to everyone

"What's going on?" allison asks

"Oh my God. He got you too?" luther asks

"You okay"

"Great. You?" viktor asks

"Never better." Diego and Allison share a mischievous glance at each other and Luther notices this. Out of a nowhere, a light blue glowy thing shows up and Lila and Five fall out of it

From Rivals to Romance: Y/N and Five Hargreeves (Season 3 book 3)Where stories live. Discover now