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Sunghoon POV

I got up first and looked at heeseung hyung, a smile crept my on my lips after seeing the sleeping beauty in front of me.
I leaned a bit and was about to kiss his lips but stopped myself and was mentally cursing inside.

Why would I do this?

And went to washroom for doing my necessity, I got out of the washroom without waking heeseung hyung up.

I then go down and saw no maid that made me frown and second later I realized it's weekend meaning holiday for everyone.

I love to cook for myself on weekends and do everything by myself so he give weekends as holiday for all his staffs.

I went to kitchen and started cooking for heeseung hyung and myself, since I craved something sweet, pancakes came to my mind first easy and sweet, I thought to make it but before that I went to wake heeseung hyung up.   

I stepped inside the room and saw heeseung hyung still in a very deep sleep a part of me didn't wanted wake heeseung hyung up but I had to do it since heeseung hyung have to eat as well.
I lightly tap on heeseung hyung's shoulder but the man was not moving at all after few tries heeseung hyung finally got up rubbing his eyes like a baby, I told him to get up and freshen up to which heeseung hyung nodded.

I took him to my walk-in closet and told him to select any outfit he wanted to wear, he looked at me with a pout and said in his sleepy but sweet voice "sunghoonahh just give me anything I'll wear it" I said "no hyung you are free to choose whatever you want to wear" he sighed and looked at clothes, he selected a hoodie and a pants and looked at me with 'what do you think' expression, I nodded my head and smiled.


Now heeseung hyung and I were having our breakfasts made by me, hope he likes it, we were eating in silence.

But heeseung hyung broke it by saying "sunghoon not gonna lie you cook really well, like the these pancakes are really perfect" and give a me a calming and soft smile, I felt my cheeks heat up at heeseung hyung's compliments and smile, no one has really appreciated my cooking skills but heeseung hyung did.

I replied "thanks hyung" and in return a showed really soft smile.

I then asked "by the way hyung you ok? Like you're not having headache?" I asked because Heeseung hyung was so drunk yesterday so he might get a headache.

Heeseung hyung replied "no I didn't had any" and smiled softly again before saying "don't worry too much sunghoonie" and ruffled my hairs, and at this point I was on cloud 9 and my ckeecks again felt hot, I snapped back to reality when I saw heeseung hyung putting the dish in sink, he was about to wash the dishes but I stopped him by grabbing his wrist from my one hand and other on heeseung's waist, his waist is so perfect, so slim and tiny. I noticed that hyung's Cheeks were now red, I smirked and thought 'revenge'.
I said "hyung you don't have to i'll do it you can watch somethings on TV".

Chilly Love: A love story of Two Powerful CEOs| HeehoonWhere stories live. Discover now