I can't save us

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Wednesday was now three weeks in Los Angeles she liked the job but she sure missed her lover every second, and called her every single day

In the morning and at night, sometimes even in her  lunch break or whenever she had time to talk, today was a rainy day a thunderstorm was going around

And Wednesday had a day off, she sure felt alone if Enid would be there they could spend the day in bed together cuddling

Then she turned the news on, and didn't believed what she saw, Enid was fighting with darkelf and Zeus, but she was failing

Xavier was on the ground unconscious Eugene was trying to get up but failed, they made some kind of power generator and they were trying to set it off

But Enid was there to stop them, the goth girl called Enid and ajax answered her phone and connected to her lover "Enid what's going on?"

She asked worridly "I can't really talk" the blonde girl said and got hit in the face "just call me when your done" the goth girl said and hang the phone up

Enid was still fighting, but she didn't saw that someone set off the power generator, shooting a laser up in the sky creating some kind of tornado

The power went out everywhere, even at Wednesdays house and the thunderstorm began getting bigger and bigger, lighting struck everywhere

Enid had no way of stopping this, a lighting struck by just right next to her and it had a blast that threw Enid meters away

She was coughing, and struggled to stand up but she managed Zeus was making something with the generator and the laser became yellow and red

He had a worried look on his face and began running away with his buddy, Enid walked over to try and stop whatever was going on

"Enid get out of there it's going to blow up!" Ajax said trough the mice and Enid carried Xavier away then Eugene

And she went back to the generator
"You can stop it, by creating a bubble around it, but you won't be able to escape it Enid" ajax said and the blonde girl nodded

"How do I do that?" Ajax began explaining how to do and what to press on the panel then suddenly a blueish bubble pulled up around the generator

"Can you call Wednesday?" Enid asked and without hesitation Ajax called her
"Hey baby" Enid said her tone is sad and the verge of tears "Enid what are you doing?!"

Wednesday asked in a worried tone "I can save the city, but it will cost my life" Enid said and felt a tear slip from her eye "no Enid get out of there!"

"I can't, I already made my decision I will always love you" Enid said and then line began fading away "I can't hear you-" the goth girl said and the line disconnected

"Get out of there!" Xavier shouted and tried to punch the bubble put it was no use, Enid stepped back and waited for the explosion 

Wednesday decided to go and try to stop Enid, she walked outside and called an Uber when she got to the train station

She sat on a train and quickly went to see her lover "the explosion not  happen least a good hour " Ajax said and Enid just sat down into the ground

The goth girl was anxious, she can't lose her lover not like this, and not now the ride took so too long she won't get there in time

An hour has passed and  the generator was on the edge of blowing up and Enid couldn't be saved
"I'm prepared" the blonde girl said and stood up

"I'm prepared to sacrifice my life" Enid managed to say it, Wednesday finally arrived at new York and they weren't far away from where Enid was

She hurried there, only to see her lover standing there Wednesday run closer
"What are you doing here?" Enid asked and before she could respond

The explosion began, it was too strong and the bubble broke throwing Wednesday and Xavier more than ten meters away

Enid got thrown into a building, her suit was severely damaged and her whole body was injured, the goth girl was laying on the ground

Unconscious, Enid was laying there thinking this is the end, she closed her eyes and accepted her fate, not knowing that Wednesday was slowly dying with her

(Drop your opinion in the comments! have a nice day! thank you for reading!)

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