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You were so engrossed in your shopping list that you didn't notice the person walking towards you.

"Oww" you wince as you bump hard into the person and fall down.

"I'm so sorry. I was not looking where I was going." Came a very warm and soothing voice above your head.

You look up to see a very worried, and beautiful, young man squatting down in front of you.

"Ahh, no no. It's my fault. I wasn't looking where i was going" You held your back in pain.

"No no, you were looking down on your list. It is absolutely understandable. Here let me help you..." He extends his hand to help you stand up.

"Thanks." You take his hand as you stand up.

He releases his hand after you are on your feet. "So sorry again to have caused you such inconvenience"

You feel a bit shy because he is really good looking, his deep brown eyes are very friendly and you can hear the warmth in his voice like melted chocolate.

"What is your name?" He asks while maintaining good eye contact.

"It's alright. I should've been more careful. Oh and i'm Y/N." You say politely.

"Well, my name is Euijoo."

"Nice to meet you"

"The pleasure is all mine."

He can't stop looking at your cute face, and as his gaze lingers on your lips he suddenly becomes self-conscious and looks away.

"Well I am sorry again for making you fall, how are you feeling? Do you think you can carry on with your shopping list?"

"Oh, yes i can. Thanks for asking." You nodded.

He smiles sweetly at you.
"Well in that case I should be on my way, good luck with the rest of your shopping."

As he walks away he keeps looking at you and looking away, almost like he is nervous.

You can't help but feel a strange flutter in your heart and chest, that you have never felt before.

Why do I feel something familiar about him?

Euijoo feels like a mystery, and you have suddenly become very intrigued to know more about him.

You continue your shopping but your mind can't help but wonder who was that cute and interesting boy you just met.

The more you think about him the more the butterflies are fluttering in your heart and your mouth can't help but smile as the thoughts of him get warmer and friendlier.

"What am I thinking? It's just a small interaction... nothing serious." You mutter to yourself.

As soon as you can't help but let your thoughts wonder, you realize you are not really shopping. No matter how much you try to focus, you can't help but get distracted.

You keep getting lost in your thoughts of him and you just can't understand why.

He's just an ordinary guy but there is something about him, he really captured your attention, your heart and your mind.

And it's not fair! You're annoyed. Why am I being so distracted by such a simple encounter?

Meanwhile, even Euijoo can't help but wonder about you. The thoughts of you are still fresh in his head, he cant stop thinking about how you made him feel.

There is something strange that you both feel and can't seem to put any finger on. But no matter how much you try to reason within yourself, you still get these butterflies every time you think about each other.

Why are you both being so silly over a coincidence?

• Yuánfèn • BEJWhere stories live. Discover now