Chapter 4 : Late Night

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You both sat at an empty corner of the room. The party continued around you and you both were enjoying the music despite not actually moving to the beat because ya'll felt a bit tired after dancing.

"You can be quite talkative at parties" Euijoo looked at you.

"Am I not talkative usually?"
You chuckled.

"You are but you're generally shy to others. But you were laughing a lot tonight" He said.

"I think since it's a party i can just enjoy it a little bit" You shrugged.

There was a slight silence before he proceeded. "By the way, why did you choose to wear a red dress? I'm curious since it was quite specific"

"Ah?" You looked at him embarrassed. "No particular reason. I.."

"Come on, you can be honest with me" He said with an amused smile.

What should I tell him, that his sister did this intentionally?
You shook your head as you thought.

"I just felt like it"
You said.

"Really? Alright, if you say so" He didn't seem to believe you but he also didn't seem to want to make a big deal out of it either. At least it was better than him knowing the real reason. You breathed a sigh of relief. "Do you want something to drink?"

"Oh, anything other than alcohol"
You smiled.

"Oh, I don't drink either"


"We do have things in common" You both laughed together. "Then I'll get us something else" He stood up and left.

While he was gone you sat and looked around. It was so chaotic yet it felt comfortable. It was also interesting how some people were drunk to the point that they had a hard time walking.

"Hey!" Suddenly you heard a female voice calling you.

You looked back at her. You actually see her around university a lot but you don't know her personally. "Hello" You said dumbfounded.

"I knew i've seen you before! Aren't I think I forgot your name"
She chuckled.

"I don't think we know each other but I'm Y/N" You said.

"Ah! I knew I saw you around" She smiled.
"So are you here with anyone?"

"Yes, with my friend"
You nodded.

"Do you mind if I'd like to steal you from your friend for a second"
She giggled at what she had just said.

Is this normal in parties?
You thought to yourself, completely speechless.

"Actually..I'm waiting for someone. I don't really think I can spare out time right now" You said awkwardly.

"Then we can talk until your friend comes back"
She suggested.

You didn't have a good feeling about it but you shrugged it.

"Wow! You're actually agreeing? That's unusual. People are usually so rude to me" She said, looking surprised. She smiled warmly and you couldn't help but smile back.


"Well, I'm considered one of the most attractive girls here at the University, so it's natural that some people act weirdly around me. I don't mean to sound arrogant but that's how it is" She said in a somewhat proud way.

Why is she telling me this?
You chuckled awkwardly. "Oh I see. You do look pretty..."

"You're sweet. Can I ask you something?"
She smiled really sweetly and it kinda made you feel weird. "Are you dating anyone?"

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