Chapter 1 : Brother or Senior?

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It was too sunny and the sun shined brightly in the sky, spring was coming. It was another morning and you were heading to your university.

You're a music student and currently in your sophomore year. Life is going just as usual for you but every new morning you're full of energy. Pursuing your passion, music, you're excited to live by the day.

As you head into the University campus, you see students already roaming the grounds, looking relaxed and happy.

You are heading to your next lecture where you walk down the corridor when suddenly someone hugs you from behind.


You were surprised and looked beside you to find Choi Daeun, your best friend. She beamed a smile at you and put her hand around your shoulder. "Hey, Good morning" You smiled back.

"Good morning! I have something important to tell you!" Daeun exclaimed excitedly before she continued "You won't believe who I saw just now! Guess who!"


"Oh c'mon, you have to guess! Here is a hint. He is cute, he has the loveliest smile, and the sweetest eyes..."

Daeun's teasing grin gets bigger as she waits for your guess.

You chuckled and rolled your eyes playfully. "Oh right, who else. Your lovely Haneul? Isn't it?"

Lee Haneul, the guy Daeun has the biggest crush on. Probably since the freshman year. He is a senior and of course quite famous for his looks. She smiled and giggled as you guessed it correctly.

Daeun excitedly started to blush and nod. "Yes that's right! Oh I swear he just looks so cute. I am not sure what happened today but suddenly I just went up to him and..."

Daeun started giggling and smiling again as she excitedly continued. "I asked him if he is going to the reunion next week! Can you believe that? I don't know what got into me, I have never asked a guy out"

"Really? Wow, It seems a lot of students are going to the reunion"
You said.

"Oh yeah definitely" Daeun started giggling again. "Can you even believe it? He said yes! He said he would look a lot forward to it" She started blushing and giggling again.

You chuckled.

She looked at you.
"Are you going by the way?"

You thought for a second.
"I don't really like parties though"

"But you should come! It will be a lot of fun, I can't wait. I know it's not usually your thing, but this is the reunion party for our seniors!" She smiled as she tried to convince you to go.

You nodded in response giving it a thought.

"So it's decided then. You are coming with me!" She giggled proudly.

"Oh and do you know that you are getting prettier every single day?" She smiled.

"Where did that come from?"
You chuckled.

"From my heart, that's where"
She laughed at her own little joke.

Daeun was such a dear friend, who always found ways to cheer you up. You were always so grateful to have her.

"Let's go, class is about to start" She smiled warmly as you both headed forward.

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