Chapter 2 : Partner

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You entered the classroom with some books in your hand that you brought from the library. You kept them on your table and let out a long sigh.
"Too much work"

Daeun was sitting beside you busy with her phone. She was smiling like an idiot.

"What's making you so happy?" You asked her out of curiosity while you sat down beside her.

She quickly hid her phone and put up a smile, clearly not wanting to show you yet.

"Nothing much really... just something that happened yesterday" She said.

You shrugged it off and leaned back in your chair with your eyes closed.

"Omg! Y/N!"
She squealed in excitement and playfully hit your shoulder.

You almost balanced yourself not to fall down. "Omg! What!" You asked surprised.
"What happened?"

"Oh you know....just something" She replied teasingly with a smirk, as if she was hiding something.

You rolled your eyes because you were getting frustrated by her. Daeun loved teasing you, but you liked it.

"Don't tease me and tell me what happened instead" You said playfully hitting her shoulder as well.

"Guess who am I talking---"

"Haneul?" You blurted out even before she completed her sentence. She looked at you surprised for a second but later smiled at you.

She patted your shoulder.
"My smart bestie, you're so right"

"Heh, I knew it!" You smirked.

"So, what exactly happened?" You asked again.

Daeun was giggling quietly like an idiot. She was enjoying the moment way too much, knowing that you wanted to know it desperately.

This little game of hers was driving you crazy but there was nothing you could do about it. She smiled. "What more can happen? I'm literally getting closer to my crush and he looks interested too"

"Really? What did he say?"
You asked curiously.

"Oh just something small, he was being a gentleman" She smirked.

You rolled your eyes.
"Oh please, he is ALWAYS like that"

She started giggling. "But this time it felt like... he was interested!" She leaned closer to your face.

"He was also shy to talk with me like you know he had trouble getting his words out" She whispered to you.

"Oh like nervous?"
You asked.

"YES" She blurted out excitedly. She squealed with excitement. "But it's so cute when he does it, and I just can't help but want to tease him more and more.. He's so adorable"

You looked at her impressed.
"Really? Did he really had trouble saying words?"

"Yes! Of course! He was like...I don't wanna be rude..maybe I'm not just good at talking...."
Daeun tried copying him.

You nodded taking in whatever she said. You then smiled amused.
"I see where this is going"

Daeun was giggling and she was really enjoying this. Then she finally calmed down a little. "But that's just so cute! He was really struggling trying to talk with me"

She smirked.
"And I couldn't help but keep going to the max to tease him. The face he made was worth the suffering and hard work you know?"

You sighed playfully.
"So you really like him huh?"

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