Chapter 1 - Confusing morning

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This starts out confusing as hell. Please bear with me for a few chapters.

And for those who want to ask: Yes, I will be getting back to the mafia au right after my creative streak for this one dies.

 This fic will likely get slow updates till I finish the other one, but I'm promising nothing.



Wriothesley's POV


 For a moment, all I could feel was pain.

 Though I suppose I deserved that. Getting a knife jabbed into my chest and all.

 Honestly, it was great that I was feeling pain at all. With where I had been stabbed I half expected to die, increased healing ability or not.

 As Neuvillette always says: 'You have a longer life than most but you are not invulnerable.'

 I'm probably gonna get an earful because of this later. With how many times he told me not to be stupid and reckless, it is safe to say that I will get banished to the couch for at least a week if not more.

 But since my leg was able to hurt like hell at least I was alive, no?

 At least I won't have to find out whether or not Neuvillette would really drag me back to life only to beat me to death himself like he promised the last time I got severely injured-



 I am pretty sure I got stabbed in the chest. Why the hell was my leg hurting instead?

 My eyes snapped open and I sat up.

 Sat up without much difficulty.

 Difficulty I would have expected after a wound like that.

 I found myself in my bedroom in Meropide.


 Was Neuvillette so pissed off he couldn't even be bothered to bring me home?

 But still...

 He would have been here.

 Somewhere close. 

 And yet I couldn't feel him anywhere near.

 Even if it wasn't him...

 "Lucine!" I called out.

 Only to be met with silence.


 Predictably, silence once more.

 Oh, come on.

 Obviously, if I was well enough to sit up so easily I hadn't gotten injured that badly.

 Did those two seriously abandon me here?

 To think that disagreeable pair would come to an agreement about this.

 Well, since they are not here I'll just have to go to the surface myself and look for them. Not many places they can be, really.

 Not Neuvillette at least. Either at home, the Palais, or the Opera Epiclese. As for Lucine... Yeah, that will be a bit more difficult so let's just start with Neuvillette.

 At most, I could get shouted at. Nothing a kiss or two can't fix at least temporarily.

 And so I turned to get off my bed.

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