Fucking Finally! (M?)

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It's been more than a year! I'm sorry for being inactive for so long. 
A lot has happened, woah. 
2023 was the sweetest year for me, I finally met Deukae. And I gotta say, they are so beautiful in person. It's almost like a dream.

But I'll give you this story, which has been in my draft since March last year. Sorry again for the long wait, and Happy New Year!


Siyeon sighs. Inhaling what she now considers her favorite scent off from one of the pillows.

It's a Monday night, her day-off. She would've preferred spending the whole day with Bora, her roommate, but the said midget has as what she calls it "work-thingy". And though she doesn't know what her work really is, she did not question. She's just really excited to cuddle with her girlfriend.

Yep, also her girlfriend.

Bora and her have been dating for two weeks now. And Siyeon is in a bliss. She still can't believe she had the girl of her dreams. Which by the way, took her almost a year of pining and secretly admiring. 

The woman is literally all Siyeon ever dreamed of. Kind and sassy, smart but also clumsy at times, strict but extremely caring. Gorgeous and ridiculously hot.

So hot, she's been having cold showers. Minji, her best friend and Bora's cousin, would've laughed her ass off if she ever learns they haven't slept together yet. Siyeon doesn't really know why she's holding back. It's not like she hasn't tried. They've been close to doing it twice, maybe - really, though who's counting? For some reason, they would always stop whenever it gets heated. Or to be precise, she always stops.

Siyeon knows she's the one stopping. In her 27 years, well that's exaggerating - in the sexual years, this is the only time she feels insecure. This is maybe why she doesn't date older people, she thought. Or maybe it's because it's Bora we're talking about here. The same Bora she knew never dated anyone younger than her. Well, before Siyeon happened, that is.

It's still a wonder to her how she was able to somehow convince Bora to date her dorky ass. Don't get her wrong, Siyeon's a fine ass woman, even she knows and believes this too. But the moment she met Bora, she's suddenly this useless gay who can't form a coherent word.

"Singnie? Are you sleeping?" The voice of the subject seeps through her ears like honey.

"Unnie, I'm not but i'm here" Siyeon answers back.

After a few sounds of shuffling, Bora enters her room with a big smile on her face. She removes her white coat and slings it to one of the hangers, before finally lying next to Siyeon.

"Did you miss me that much that you're hanging out here in my room?" She jokes but Siyeon still nodded her head in agreement.

She smiles as she inhales Bora's intoxicating scent, nuzzling her face into her neck.

She really does love cuddles.

"Damn, you smell so good, oh my god." She murmured.

Bora giggles.

"Have you eaten already like what I told you?" Bora asked as she caress the younger's hair.

Siyeon nodded. Bora texted her earlier to eat dinner already as she'd be home late.

"Alright. Let's continue this cuddle after I shower. I want to get these clothes off." Bora said.

How about I take them off. Siyeon thought of saying but decided not to. Instead she tightens the hug on the older woman.

"I missed you all day. I'm not gonna let you go again. You're mine." Siyeon said, unaware of the pout she is making.

Bora, once again, giggles.

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