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home, sweet home ▪︎

Present day, Midgard


Colours. So many colours. And noise. That's wind.
Norns, it's too much.
Sharp pain in my shoulder. Blonde hair. A hand gripping mine. With. So. Much. Force.

'Y/n! Hold on tight!' says Thor's voice. No, screams.
A crash. I... I crashed... Oh, so, so much pain.
It's solid ground I feel beneath me. For how long have we been falling? Thirty minutes? Three? Less? More? Time blurred.
Ugh, my chest. That has got to be the worst pain.

Come on now! Why won't they focus? I feel the urge to scream from the utter desperation to see. The worst mortal punishment of all must be blindness, for this is excruciating.

Thor! Thor was with me, wasn't he?

'Thor!' I call out. Or did I?

Gods, my eyes hurt; I'm blinking my eyelids to shreds.

Suddenly, the colours fade; my vision must have cleared, yet everything is drenched in darkness. This is far from an improvement.

Tiny glittering dots. They won't move, even not so when I blink.

Is it ... night? A starry sky? Oh, Odin, please let it be a starry sky I see and not my irrevocable reality.

'Whoa. Does he need CPR? Because I totally know CPR.'

A voice? It appears that I must have been concentrating on my sight excessively to fully block out any noise around. And I must admit: my ears are still buzzing - but a voice had cut through, of that much I'm certain.

If I could just turn my head - or even move at all - I would be so much the wiser!

'Ugh,' drawls a male voice only a short distance away from me.
Thor. Thor! Thor, are you okay?!

'T–Thor ... are you—' I am physically unable to finish my inquiry and, once again, I want to scream in nothing but utter frustration.
Suddenly, a commotion. Right next to me. Shuffling of feet.

'Hammer! Hammer!' Thor's voice again. 
'Yeah, we can tell you're hammered,' that other voice answers. 
'Y/n? Where are you!' I want to crane my neck so I can see him - so he can see me. But I am physically unable to.
'You mean her? She's here. I think your friend is over here. Unconscious, though,' says a male voice, near, and it's not Thor's. 
'Oh my God, Erik! Look at this—' Another voice. But hers is drowned out for Thor is once more calling out my name - this time, an anxious edge to it.
I sense his warmth close to me, calming me.

He's here. He's with me.

'Y/n, Y/n, look at me! Are you—'
I try and do as he tells me, and his sentence gets cut off by a short yet sharp cry filling the space between us.

Oh, guess that was me.

'Jane, we should get them to the hospital—'

Shouldn't have moved my head.

'You! What realm is this? Álfheimr ? Nornheim?'

Shouldn't have left Loki alone ...


'This mortal form has grown week. I need sustenance.'

'Thor ...' I groan. I attempt opening my eyes, and I succeed - and this time, there's light.
Yet, before I can take anything in, a figure is advancing with quick, huge steps. Thor's face is in front of mine, and my vision clears once and for all. Still, I blink a few more times so I might defeat this terrible throbbing behind my eyes.

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