Nine : Miss Y/n

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- protect me from world and I'll embrace you in my world

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- protect me from world and I'll embrace you in my world.

I woke up with a heavy head. Feels like I finally had a quality sleep. "ugh I don't want to get up....this is so soft~" I spoke, clutching the blanket in my hands. It was silky smooth. The bed was so comfortable that I could sleep for a 1000 years in it.

"Send them all for inspection. If they still don't open their mouths, kill them all. I don't like liars. " I heard his voice and I got up in an instance. My eyes were wide and he was there in front of me, all dressed up to leave.

I gulped on my saliva and the reality hit me hard. What am I doing on his bed? What happened!? Why am I here!? Oh wait. The last time....I asked him...I-i told him I was ready. I hurriedly checked my clothes and I was wearing a shirt. My undergarments were there but how did I ever changed into this? He surely did something to me. He drugged me. He used me.

I instantly started crying while looking at him with the scariest face I could make. He just rolled his eyes at me, "Do you not have any other work than to cry?" He asked, I hated his voice. "Monster! Crazy jerk! Go and die somewhere! I hate you I hate you I hate you! I will kill you! " I spoke with my voice getting more and more shrill with every sentence. I got up and attacked him by jumping on top of him and punching him. It had no effect on him so I tried to bite his hand and hit him again and again. I was stopped when he tightly held my hands in his strong grip.

"Have you lost your senses!?" He asked with gritted teeth. I only glared at him with my teary eyes shooting draggers. "Yes! I lost my senses! I lost... everything! You. Because of you. Why Kim ti yung I ask why!?" I screamed while on the verge of crying my heart out. "You know what? I just want to rip off your head and and chop it in pieces! How dare-" "Would you shut it already?" He growled, pulling me closer to literally scream on my face. I just held in a sob while looking at him with disgust and hatred.

"You raped me!" I yelled back on his face and he closed his eyes in frustration, "I didn't for god! dammit!" He screamed back with the same intensity. I gulped seeing his darkened eyes. "Who the fuck do you think you are huh? I am so horny to fuck your little pussy that I will do something as cowardly as to fuck you when you are unconscious? What do you even have to offer me? You are completely useless. Just knows how to cry and then faint in my arms." He spoke and shook his head side to side, tears rolled down my cheeks at his words.

He left me and started to walk away, "Why am I wearing your shirt then!? And-and why was I in your bed!?" I asked in a cracked voice, he turned around instantly, causing goosebumps all over me, his face screamed anger and I stepped back. "I-i was ju-just asking-" I tried to say while walking backwards until my back hit the wall behind me, he just stared at my vulnerable state and kept his hands on the wall beside me, trapping me completely. I gulped while he leaned in to my face.

"Miss Lee Y/n. For your kind information, you fainted in my arms while crying like a whale. I didn't wanted to put the time and effort into carrying you all the way to your room that is why I kept you in my bed. About this shirt, I called the doctor and the nurses changed your clothes. Because the maid's outfit was too heavy for you to breath. Is it all clear in your small brain now? Or do I need to elaborate even more? because you clearly look like a dumbhead who never understands anything quickly." He spoke very clearly and in a mocking tone, I just looked down in embarrassment, I hit him and everything oh god, I am so stupid.

Suddenly he placed his fingers on my chin and made me look into his eyes, "Now if you are informed, can you kindly fuck off and wash yourself, you look like a clown." He said with a smirk and I nodded, I quickly started leaving his room but he called me again. "Take your clothes with you! I don't want those dirty fabrics any longer in my room." I was mad at the way he was constantly denegrading me but I was not in the mind to fight any longer, I just needed some time alone, so I just picked up my dress and ran away as fast as I could.

I really thought he did all that to me. Who wouldn't even think like that? All he has done to me is just harrass me everyday and act like a creepy pervert with anger issues? And he had the audacity to yell back at me? Well I also hit him so hard and almost slapped him on his face, I also pulled his hair oh god. I hope he doesn't take a revenge on that, I really need to stay away from him or I will go crazy. I keep getting him mad on me, he will surely get so angry one day and just pull out a gun and shoot me.

I clutched my dress in my hands and tried to reach my room without being seen to anyone, I was only wearing a shirt and my inner clothing, my legs were all bare, though, his shirt reached till my thighs but I was still very uncomfortable. Wait so that Kim ti yung saw my bare legs, and I didn't even realised because I was so much focused on his anger. Ugh i really need to change hurriedly before I-

I paused in my tracks when I heard Jimin's voice, he literally went 'Ooo' while looking at my clothes, "Why are you roaming around looking like a hot meal?" He asked and the guys behind him laughed, it wasn't even funny!? I was uncomfortable at the way they all were staring at me. "I-i need to go in my room." I spoke as they were blocking my way.

"Why in such a hurry? Spill the tea darling, you are wearing his shirt hm? Was he harsh on you?" My eyes widened at his words, "Doesn't seem so, she looks like a fine wine." One of the men spoke and the way he was staring at me was just next level creepy.

"Did I ask you?" Jimin asked in an annoyed tone and then looked back at me, I instantly looked down as I felt embarrassed, nervous and kind of scared, "Go in your room and change. Don't roam around looking like a slut if you don't want to be treated like one." He spoke sternly and I nodded before running away.

Damn that was so scary, I hate mens. Did he just called me a slut? How dare he? I will surely take revenge whenever I get a chance. I can never forget how he poured cold coffee on my head. Rotten mochi!

I took a long relaxing bath and then ate my breakfast with Lisa, I told her what all happened to me and she was very shocked, she warned me to never do something like that again, she said I am lucky to still survive after jumping into a volcano.

I was working peacefully and suddenly I felt someone's eyes on me, I looked up to see a guy. He was with that rotten mochi before, he was gazing at me and his stares weren't so pleasing, it made me uncomfortable and I had to change my spot.

Later I was given the task to clean a old Storeroom, I took my equipments with me and started right way. Oh and by the way Lisa showed me my mother today, she was in the hospital and her reports are getting better, if he is keeping up on our deal, then I will also have to try my best. I could never collect enough money for her treatment, I should be thankful.

I thought while working and suddenly I heard a click sound, I turned around to see someone locking the door from inside. My eyes widened and breath hitched, it was a man. That creepy guy, the blood in my viens frozed as I sensed the upcoming danger, no way. He would surely attack me. And I was right, he didn't even gave me time to think or say anything, he attacked me straight away, I screamed when I felt his hands on me. I fell to the ground painfully.

"Leave me!" I yelled, trying to push him away. "Don't touch me!" I screamed while crying and he only smirked at me, I was trying my best to escape his strong grip. "Why? Is your beauty only for your master? You can suck his dick but not even hold mine?" He asked in the most cringe way possible, I shook my head in panick and felt his hands on my chest, I started to apply my full force and accidently punched him on the face. I earned a harsh slap in return, hot tears rolled down my eyes. How dare this bastard!? "You bitch!" He muttered before pinning my hands to the ground, I started kicking him and trying my best to be free.

"Someone help-" I tried to scream but he punched me on my face, It was so hard that I lost all my senses, "Fucking whore!" I heard him say and with my last try, I kicked him again and he fell back, holding onto his crotch in pain.

I took the opportunity to unlock the door and run out. I heard him following me from behind, "You think you can get away? I will fuck you right in your own room." He laughed, I walked as fast as I could, nothing was coming to my mind. Where do I go? I need to escape from this creep.

He tried to grab my hand but I jerked it away and glared at him, "Don't you dare!" I yelled with my cracked voice. He only smirked and I started running away. I couldn't go to my room or he would follow me there too. So I just went into that Kim ti yung's room. He couldn't enter there. I was safe as long as I was in his room. The angry master wasn't in the room, hushhh I can stay here in peace for a while.

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