Twenty Three : Her

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- don't go away, don't hide from me my angel, don't call me a devil for I was once too an angel.

Taehyung's pov-

I smiled to myself thinking she just admitted that she does like me. As much as I hated what happened, I was also thankful that I could see everything crystal clear now. I just thought I was attracted to her, she was indeed beautiful. She is. I enjoyed her presence, slowly I started craving for it. I was being selfish, but then I don't know when I started worrying about her and started to melt on her tears, and I realised I could be everything but selfish to her.

When she suddenly shielded that kid, I was mad. Mad that she was glaring at me as if I was a monster. I was so mad that her life was in danger at that very point. Her one disrespectful word would have get her killed, get all of the people killed. I had to yell at her and act like I am mad, I thought I will talk to her later and make her understand but I failed to understand how fragile and sensitive she is.

I glanced at her stomping inside the old Storeroom and I was about to follow her but a call interrupted me. I cursed under my breath and had to leave.

I was in an important meeting, I am mainly a business man but I do work as an undercover Mafia. I have connections with police force and the underworld. You can even call me an agent. I hunt down criminals and punish them my way, these criminals get away because of weak laws and roam around committing crimes. I hand them to police when it's needed, I challenge other gangs and strategically get them arrested or killed. As much thrilling as it sounds, it is also dangerous. People are on their toes with thier knives, ready to slit my throat apart. I have dodged countless attempts of assanations against me. This work demands a lot but it's all worth it.

All throughout the meeting, I was eager to leave already. We had to leave for the grand dinner and I had no time on my hand. It was getting late and I saw all the people already waiting for me. The hall was decorated with yellow lights and gave it a royal look. I walked ahead and sat on my chair. It was in the middle, I could hear complete silence and that's what I work for. Everyone was gawking at me as if they don't know what I look like. Yeah I am handsome though.

"Start." I spoke and the servants started rushing here and there. I lift my gaze up, waiting for Y/n to appear and serve me my food. I clearly remember ordering the staff about having served my dishes only by my personal maid. Oh my silly little maid.
I can just imagine her nervously walking with a tray of food in her hands and then pulling out a mistake which would make her panick and embarrassed. I was now waiting for her to appear but frowned when Lisa started serving me.

"Where is Y/n?" I mouthed to her,. unknowingly glaring at her and she almost dropped the cutleries, "Sh-she...-" I waited for her to complete the scentence but a voice interrupted us. "Taehyung, start eating." Seokjin hyung spoke, signalling me through his eyes that everyone was waiting for me to start first. I sighed when Lisa took the opportunity to run away. I grabbed my fork and almost stabbed it on the steak, in my mind. I was slightly mad and disappointed on not seeing her. I know she is upset but I didn't expect her to hide like that.

I kept glancing at the maids, my eyes desperately trying to find her but it was as if she grabbed harry potter's invisible cloack and turned invisible.

I just kept myself busy then, I would surely deal with her later. I also had a lot to know and give my suggestions on subjects here, after the dinner, I got busy in meeting different people. Slowly the mansion got clearer and clearer. There were just two guys remaining now and they seem to be too comfortable here. They are sons of powerful Mafias, spoiled children of the rich daddies. I couldn't be harsh on them or it might ruin our relation with them, but I was frustrated.

I would have punched them both because they were just talking about harrassing a girl and how she was crying for her life. I wanted to kill them at this point. I am sensetive to these topics because somehow I always remember my sister going through all that. I see her face flashing infront of my eyes and I feel anger. I told Jimin to look over them and stomped towards the kitchen.

Everyone kept gasping at my presence, I was in search of the girl who could make me calm. The only girl who could do it just by flashing me her big bambi eyes.
"Where is Y/n!?" I asked to that girl Lisa again and she bowed to me, her whole body shaking.

"Sh-she is sick." I raised a brow at her straightforward lie. "I just saw her some hours ago. She was perfectly fine." I saw the girl infront of me streaming down tears and bowing even lower to me. Something did not felt right. "Tell me honestly. Or you will be killed." I warned, placing my index finger under her chin and raising her face so that she can see my angry glare.

I saw her face turn pale before she let out a broken sob and then looked down again. "We found her in the st-storeroom. Someone attacked her. She-she was much-" Her words made me alert, "Where is she now!?" I almost shouted at her and she flinched away from me. I ran my hand through my hair, stepping forward and grabbing both of her shoulder, "I. Asked. Where is she. Now!?" I yelled again, "In-in her room." She spoke while closing her eyes in fear and I gritted my teeth. "Lead me there." I commanded and she nodded before running.

I was walking as fast as I could, my heart was clenching at the thought of something happening to her. I was somehow chanting in my mind that nothing serious shall happen.

She stopped infront of a wooden door and opened it. I immediately barged inside. Everything was dark. Lisa turned on the lights and my voice almost hitched seeing her. The blood in my veins had turned cold as I felt a part of me dying seeing her in such condition. She was panting heavily and trying to breath properly, her hand and leg covered in a bloody bandage and her hair a mess. Blood clotted onto her lips and there were several cuts here and there, her face looked swollen to the side as if someone punched her again and again.

My blood was boiling in anger but it all washed away when she lifted her teary eyes and looked at me. Her eyes spoke the clear pain she was in. I ran to her immediately. Lifting her up in my arms and carrying her outside. My vision was slightly blurred because of the stubborn liquid called tears was forming in my eyes. I was feeling like my soul was ripped off.

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