Thirty : Ease out

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- you come in my dreams and look me in the eye, you lean in to my face and kiss me while I smile

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- you come in my dreams and look me in the eye, you lean in to my face and kiss me while I smile.

I opened my swollen eyes and closed them just to open again and realise what the fuck did I just saw.

Mr Kim!? Right infront of me! Like so so so so close. I sealed my lips to prevent myself from letting out a sound.

Oh god give me strength.

His eyes were closed, bangs falling onto his pretty forehead and the way he looked so angelic while snoring lightly and pursing his lips together in a cute small pout.

I forgot everything, my pain, my misery, even myself.

How can a human be so

I thought and continued staring at him for a while, finally remembering all the things before I dozed off.

Goosebumps appeared all over me when my thoughts encountered those traumatic scenes, I quietly slid away and ran outside in the balcony.

My breath was heavy and the best thing I needed right now was this fresh air and a sight so soothing to the eyes, the sun is about to rise, I could see it's rays peaking out from the clouds and the birds chirping playfully. I breathed calmly, not wanting to think about anything.

But then I felt that note in my pocket.

I immediately pulled it out and opened it.

Y/n. How come you sleep so peacefully? Leaving me sleepless for nights, for my mind only travels the time we were wrapped around each other, as if we were meant to mould into each other,

My eyes were popping up as if doing it will make me read faster and clearer, I could hear my heart right in my ear beating fast and rhythmically. My breath going uneven to match my heartbeat and my stomach starting to twist in angles as if dancing to this strange addictive melody, I just couldn't believe it.

I held the thin paper more tightly and shoved my face forward to read further.

I know you think of me as cruel and heartless, even though only you were able to show me how desperate it was to beat yet again, I don't even know what happens to me when I see you, you torment me with your innocence and then make me proud with the way I make you blush. You are still sleeping soundly while I sit here and watch you like an idiot but if I had to choose, I would still choose to watch you like this. Like forever. Your scent is addictive, just the sight of yours is addictive. I snap in when you walk in the room, It's not like I did not try to control myself but the more you push me away, the more I get pulled to you. My therapist told me to write things down when you can't take it anymore and I threw her tiny diary at her face, saying I don't believe in this bullshit but here I am scribbling like a teenager and acting like a total simp. I still ask myself why am I doing this stupidity but then you appear infront of me again and god what kinda drink are you? I never get to feel sober again. And the fact that scares me the most, is how we both are skies apart, I like to rule while you revolt, I hate to cry and you just can't stop....though you are not easy to handle but I had always been liking tough, maybe you are the part of me that can ease me out, but I just don't know if I could do the same.

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