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*Julia's pov*

Leo and Alaia were playing downstairs, I offered to watch Alaia for Marvin and Rochelle so they could go out for a date night. I'm not going to lie, they are the cutest couple I've ever seen! They're also cute parents and I love how much they adore Alaia, she's definitely their whole world. She has them wrapped around them wrapped around her little finger and knows what to do to them to let her have her way. "Julia, Julia!" I hear Alaia shout "yeah?" "Leo hurt!" she says tugging my top, worry obvious on her face. "Cazzo!" I curse beginning to worry, I pick Alaia up taking her downstairs with me quickly. Alaia hadn't lied, Leo looked at me with a tear stained face and a red mark on his head where he'd obviously ran into something. "Leo quello che è stato detto di correre all'interno?" (Leo what have you been told about running inside?) I say calmly placing Alaia down and replacing her with Leo "mi dispiace mama" (I'm sorry mummy) he sniffles cuddling into me, my annoyance subsiding instantly. "Grazie Lai-Lai." (thank you Lai-Lai) I say stroking Alaia's cheek. Since Leo had been here Leo had been teaching her some words so she knew what some words ment but not all of them as Leo and I have a strong veronese dialect. "Non è niente." (it's nothing) she replies. "Come on then bath time." we all go upstairs, Leo and Alaia share a bath before getting into their Pj's. Usually I would read a book for Leo before he went to sleep but I don't have any with me and reading in English is something of a challenge. I can speak English but I Can't read it much. Thank god to google translate!

"Goodnight." I kiss both Leo and Alaia's heads before switching on the night lights and exiting their rooms. "Mama!!" Leo shouts, this boy! It may be an earlier bedtime than he's used to at home but he isn't going to get away with this, I need me time besides I won't be able to pack our case and bag if he isn't asleep. I go back into the room to see him sat up in bed about to cry. "Leo, buonanotte." (Leo goodnight) "stay up?" he questions, something he's heard Alaia say many nights she wants to stay up longer to play with Leo. "No Leo." I say leaving the room once again and shutting the door. He sobs to himself, it took a lot to not go back into the room and come back out with him. By now I'd have given in with him but not tonight.

The house was soon quiet I assume Leo must have sobbed himself to sleep or something and Alaia was asleep too. I decided to put on the music channels and listened to the music while packing. Rochelle had been kind enough to wash our clothes for us, she's by far my bestest English friend. The week has gone so fast and I've probably seen Aston 3 times while I've been here, I guess I wish I'd have seen him more but there's nothing I can do now Leo goes to his school on monday and I have work so I can't extend my flight date. Placing the last of Leo's toys into his bag I felt my phone vibrate in my pocket, I noticed the ID was an unknown number

'He's my man little girl...back up!'
Below the text there was an image I stupidly tapped it and the image took up the whole screen.

My eyes started to water as the collage of photos showed in front of my eyes. Surely this isn't real? Nahh I bet it's some creepy fan making an edit pretending Aston's thier boyfriend or something. I look a little closer and zoomed in on the collage....it was untouched these were real and they're recent images of aston in some of the pictures. He lied!

I'm done!

Dun, dun, dunnnn!

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