Going Home

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*Aston's pov*
The holiday has gone quicker than I imagined it would, Rochelle and AJ are both looking great it's obvious they're both proud of their baby bellies and are looking forward to becoming mothers. I on the other hand am feeling a little down today, I'd have to return to England without Julia and live my life back there. Usually I wouldn't be ready to leave for the airport or be late leaving because I hadn't packed however today is different. I packed all of my things yesterday morning and last night so I wouldn't have to do it today. While everyone finished off their packing I slipped out my hotel room and went down to San Zeno square. "Hey baby." Julia grinned seeing me. "Hey." I replied my voice just above a whisper. "Have you packed?" Julia questioned cheerfully. Why is she so cheerful, I have to leave her today and she's not coming with me. "Yeah I did it the other night so I could spend time with you before I leave." I sighed deeply. "Don't be sad, I am still going to be here." she placed her arms around my waist and smiled gently. I smiled weakly and let my hands fall on her bum. "I will call you all the time." I sounded like a little boy but I don't care. "You're very kind Aston." She blushed. "what time do you finish your shift?" I asked hopeful that I'd be able to spend at least 5 minutes with Julia with only me getting her whole attention. She looked up at the clock on the wall and grinned "in 10 minutes." Yes! I get to spend some time with my girl I'm so happy.
*Marvin's pov*
With everything packed and the suitcases locked we were finally ready to go I'd knocked on Aston's door before coming downstairs with Rochelle. soon everyone else had joined us in the lobby where we were served by a waiter who brought us our last drinks. " Has anyone seen Ast?" I frowned. Looks were exchanged between us all. "We haven't." JB and Chloe say in unison and AJ shrugged. Rochelle being the emotional roller coaster she is began to cry. "Maybe he never came home last night and someone's got him hostage." Rochelle sobbed. "I'm sure that's not the case darling." I replied hugging Rochelle lovingly. "we're going to miss our flight aren't we?" she continued, I was a little freaked out by her emotional state, I just hope that she will be ok in a minute because I have no idea what to do and as her baby belly isn't overly obvious yet people began to stare. JB began to call Aston's phone to find out where he was when a well known voice knocked me out of my thoughts. "We going now then?" he spoke miserably. "I guess. where were you?" I ask as Rochelle suddenly pulled away from me. "To see Julia." Aston smiled lightly as he said her name, his smile was cut short as Rochelle slapped Aston repeatedly. "I thought you were held hostage and I thought I'd never see you again!! I thought my unborn baby had lost their uncle Aston, Idiot!" Rochelle began to shout, the tears had now stopped but my girl is now hella angry. "Hey..ow, Roch.. hey!" Aston tried to soothe Rochelle but she hit him more. "Baby it's ok." I say pulling her back towards me. "Don't you dare speak to me today Aston!" wow being pregnant is a bitch. Aston looked terrified and the rest of our group stayed quiet not wanting Rochelle to yell at them too.
*Julia's pov*
When Aston and I went for a walk after I'd 'finished my shift'. You see the thing is I hadn't finished my shift but I was now on holiday for 2 weeks. I'd packed my case and had just been dropped off at the airport by my nonna (nanna). She knew all about me and Aston, I tell her everything. After checking in my case I went through security ready to go on my flight. As I got into the waiting area I looked around for the board that said what gate I was to go to for the flight. That's when I saw them, I wasn't going to tell them until I'd arrived in Gatwick airport. I quietly walked over to them putting a finger on my lips as they recognised me, they were quiet as I snuck behind Aston who seemed to be napping. I gently rubbed his arms biting my lip. "Ciao, baby." I whispered in his ear before snatching his hat off his head and sitting on his lap. The group now laughing as Aston's eyes shot open. "Julia! what?!!" he was shocked. "Hey to you too." I giggled. "What are you doing here? I mean you don't have-" I cut him off "a boarding card?" I finished his sentence flashing my boarding card at him. The smile on his face was just so adorable.
When we landed in England the weather was freezing, much colder than I'm used to but I don't care as long as I have my Aston. "where are you going?" Aston questioned "I'm going to book into the Hotel." I smiled. "I'm sorry but you're not. you're coming to stay with me." Aston corrected. "If you're sure, it's not trouble for me to stay in a hotel." I reply "no, you're coming with me." he said sternly. I nodded and planted a kiss on his perfect lips. "You'll need these." Aston smiled handing me some sunglasses. "why?" "you'll see." We pushed through the crowds of paparazzi and left the airport.
Hope this part was ok for you. Xxxx Julia

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