Chapter One; 𝟲𝘁𝗵 𝘆𝗲𝗮𝗿...

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Everything was fine.

Jadwiga Granger sat in her compartment of the train, feet propped on the little coffee table with a book in her lap. She had wispy bangs that almost completely covered her brows, dark chestnut hair that had been tied up into a neat, perfected bun with a few straggling hairs from the effort that went into securing a compartment. Her uniform, decorated with the blue and silver colours of her house, was also quite precise.

Jadwiga Granger was much like her sister, a book worm.

To Kill A Mockingbird, the book that was situated within the small crevice of her lap thanks to her bent knees, was open only a quarter of the way, her eyes scanning the words as though they were her lifeline. She drank in the words on the page as though she could see the story in motion, picturing it vividly in her creative mind.

Her lips, full with the colour of a rosy pink seeming to be present all the time. Her top lip sported a cupid's bow whilst the bottom was tucked behind her teeth in concentration.

In her bout of concentration, of which laced her mind and wrapped her up inside the book she read. It was almost impossible to distract her. Alas, someone did try.

"Jadwiga-" a small voice cut themselves off, their eyes falling onto the singular girl inside of the compartment. A small sigh escaped the newcomer's lips, impossible to determine quite whether Jadwiga had heard her or not. "Jadwiga?" Her voice was louder now as she took a step closer, but the girl didn't lift her head. "Mum wanted me to see if you were alright?"

"Hm?" The hum that vibrated over Jadwiga's vocal cords was the only indication that the newcomer's words meant anything. She continued to read.


"Hermione, please be quiet. I'm concentrating." Jadwiga's voice was smooth, almost angelic one would say if they were infatuated with her. Her words floated off her tongue.

"I know, but-" Jadwiga sighed at the newcomer's, Hermione's, persistance. She bookmarked her page and rubbed her face in exhaustion before looking up. In front of her, was a girl not to much away from her own height. Her once bushy light brown hair became more tamed as the years went by and instead, it was now pinned just above her ears to keep it from her face.

"You're my sister and all, however that fact alone does not exclude you or means you can simply disrupt a girl's reading, does it?" Jadwiga wasn't too angry, more so annoyed as she knew it would be difficult to concentrate further once the concentration had been broken.

"I'm sorry, Jadwiga." Hermione replied before sitting opposed to her sister, her hands slipping between her thighs in a little spurt of awkwardness. "I wanted to know, you think you'd still, i don't know, hate Harry this year?"

"I didn't hate him before." When Jadwiga's eyes blinked slowly, her attention now solely on Hermione, said woman almost forgot how to breathe. It wasn't the answer she had suspected. "I didn't like him, though. Now, if you would be so kind-" Jadwiga stood, raising her hand towards the compartment door. She needed the bathroom, and she'd rather not find Hermione in her compartment when she got back. She loved her sister, of course she did, but sometimes she would rather be alone.

"Yes, of course." Hermione complied with Jadwiga's wishes and sent her a smile before standing to her feet and heading for the door. When she got there, hand grasped onto the frame, she looked towards Jadwiga once more. "I'll see you at Hogwarts? Don't be a stranger this year." With a chuckle, Hermione left and also left Jadwiga alone in the process.

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