Chapter Four; 𝘄𝗵𝗼 𝗻𝗲𝗲𝗱𝘀 𝗳𝗿𝗶𝗲𝗻𝗱𝘀? 𝗺𝗲

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Leaves brushing against each other, branches creaking.

The wind was holding a chill within the air and it passed over the skin of any student still outside. It was gentle, soft to the touch and yet soul-piercing as it didn't stay for long, but kept repeatedly passing over exposed skin. Goosebumps had never been more common.

The clouds were grey with the menacing threat of crying upon the world, upon the patch of Earth that was situated beneath it. It wanted to repent its pent up rain, equivelant to that of someone's emotions. Ironic, almost.

A girl stood by a large body of water, staring aimlessly out at the horizon. All she could see were the dense forestry of the Forbidden Forest. The branches danced with the wind, the leaves acting like the flow of a dress one would wear to a ball.

It felt rather poetic.

The girl, her brown hair being moved side-to-side with the wind, stood there with not so much as a shiver. She blinked, her icy blue eyes almost emotionless. Her whispy bangs had been swept to one side, revealing her soft features more. Only her forehead and her eyebrows which seemed to be shaped softly. They weren't exaggerative or plucked to be menacing. 

Her lips were pink, dry and a little cracked, but they stood out amongst her pale skin that only seemed to have gotten paler the longer she stood in the cold wind. Her book bag was placed haphazardly to the side, only a quil and book falling from it. She didn't care. She wasn't dressed in her usual Ravenclaw robes, no. She was in a pair of jeaned, rolled up at the ankles partly with pale cream coloured shirt tucked into the jeans. A green knitted sweater was wrapped around her, open at her front as her arms stayed still by her side.

She was welcoming the cool weather. She wanted it to encase her, cleanse her mind and allow her to start anew. The week leading up to this moment hadn't been too fun, it had been bothersome and she wanted to forget it or come to terms with it. Whichever acceptance came first.

+ + +

Jadwiga had sat in the great hall, at her usual spot and eating her usual butter on toast for breakfast. Her head wasn't buried in a book, but it was staring off at the wall adjacent to her. She didn't realise that meant staring towards the Slytherin table, where a certain Lorenzo Berkshire and his little friends were sat. It had been two days since potions class, and he had persistantly tried to speak to her, get her to become friends with him.

She had denied him of such.

It wasn't until a body slouched in front of her, copying her expression, did she blink herself out of the small trance she was in. The brunette Slytherin, her little potions "buddy" was now sat opposite him. He had his cheek resting against his enclosed fist, propping his head up.

"Berkshire." Jadwiga greeted coldly, her eyes squinting.

"Wow, with how you speak i'm surprised you weren't in Slytherin." He remarked, rolling his eyes and sitting up properly, not taking his attention away from her. "You sure you're meant to be a Ravenclaw?"

"I wouldn't be sat at this table if i wasn't one." She quipped, her expression only slightly softening. She was caving to the attention she received from the boy. After all, she did need friends and she supposed his company wasn't terrible. "What would you like from me today? I assume this isn't exactly a social call-"

"Nothing." Lorenzo was quick to say, his brows furrowing before he looked to her. When he saw a sad, dampened expression on Jadwiga's face he sighed. "You don't really have friends, huh?" She shook her head, taking a bite of her toast. It was almost overdone, but the butter softened the crunchy bread and she found it more enjoyable.

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