Chapter Seven; 𝘁𝗵𝗲 𝗳𝗶𝗿𝘀𝘁 𝘀𝗻𝗼𝘄 𝗼𝗳 𝘁𝗵𝗲 𝘀𝗲𝗮𝘀𝗼𝗻

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(pls comment and vote) how fast are people wishing for the relationship to progress? fast do you guys wanna see Jadwiga and Mattheo become friends?


Her quill scribbled against her parchment, her eyes darting from the page of the library book to what she was writing down furiously. She was late on an assignment, all because of Theodore Nott. 

The man decided it would be a good idea to get wasted, travel to her house common room, get in with the password she had told him - stupidly - and proceeded to keep her awake for a further three hours until around three in the morning.

She was exhaused as it was, and now she was at around eleven in the morning and writing out her essay that was due for the next day. On top of that, Jadwiga felt disheartened on the fact that it was snowing, seemingly overnight and making the magical castle look even more so like that from a fairytale. She was scowling for the most part at this.

She could almost feel sorry for herself, however, just as she placed the final full stop on the parchment she was writing on, she took in a deep breath and slouched down into the seat she was sat in. The library was quiet, desolate and almost abandoned unusually so on a sunday morning, but here she sat.

The chill in the library only got colder for Jadwiga, and this much was evident as she shivered to herself but remained unmoving from her laidback position in the chair. She was exhausted, and quite frankly, to her tired body her current position was comfy enough to sleep in for only a little bit.

Just as the quiet sounds of the library, the slight wind hitting against the windows, and odd scuffle from the librarian, Jadwiga felt her eyes droop. She was giving in to her tiredness, and she was ready to enter the blissfulness that was slumber. Jadwiga was close to falling asleep, oh so horrifically close, when the obnoxious scraping of a chair made her scrunch up her nose.

"That look doesn't suit you, darling." Looking up rather quickly, the mop of brown curls and dark eyes greeted her. Jadwiga's blue eyes stared at Mattheo with confusion before she examined as much of the library as she could, trying to sought out whomever the Riddle boy entered with.

There was no one.

"Is there some girl following you or-?" Mattheo frowned and looked at Jadwiga with an 'are-you'serious?' look, to which she sighed and crossed her arms. He was sat there, most definitely, without mistake. He hadn't simply stumbled upon the library for any particular reason, nor had he stumbled upon her desk. He had searched for her.

"You look fuckin' miserable."

"Gee thanks." Jadwiga rolled her eyes and sat up straight, tucking a piece of her brunette hair behind her ears. She wanted to feel uncomfortable, she wanted to leave, but she couldn't. Because she didn't want to leave. There was an atmosphere, so subtle natheless it was there. Calming, warming...home. She worried herself by thinking of this, and so she cleared her throat and stood, quickly gathering her things. "It was nice of you to stop by, Mattheo, but i must be-"

"Where are you going?" He relaxed into the chair, one brow quirked upwards whilst his eyes glanced towards her. Cold yet not entirely. It was almost like he knew she wasn't actually leaving.

"Um-I...for your information, Mattheo, i was going to the common room." She tried her best to not sound like she'd just decided on her new destination, but she had failed rather poorly at doing so. Mattheo hummed and looked towards the window, shaking his head a little.

"Boring." He then said before he fished something from his pocket. Jadwiga soon recognised it as a cigarette and she scowled, lurching forwards and snatching it from his fingers. He stared at her incredulously, challengingly and yet there was slight admiration. She had just been brave enough to snatch something from him, the Dark Lord's Son. "My, oh my, darling, who knew?" He then stood slowly, his eyes darkening. Mattheo was rather laggered in his steps to approaching Jadwiga, but she took two steps back for each step forwards that he took. "There's fire in you after all."

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 30 ⏰

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