Chapter Five; 𝗶𝗻𝘀𝘂𝗹𝘁 𝗮 𝗳𝗲𝗿𝗿𝗲𝘁 𝗮𝗻𝗱 𝗵𝗶𝘀 𝗳𝗮𝘁𝗵𝗲𝗿 𝘄𝗶𝗹𝗹 𝗵𝗲𝗮𝗿 𝗮𝗯𝗼𝘂𝘁 𝗶𝘁

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The October chill had frozen Jadwiga to her core, the girl shivering as she entered the Great Hall. She was ready for dinner, so desperately ready to eat some warm food and heal her frozen insides. The students were already there, sat and ready to eat their dinners whilst she was only just going into the hall.

It made Jadwiga feel a little uncomfortable, especially when heads turned to her for a second or two before turning away and minding their business once again. Her eyes glanced towards the Slytherin table, where Enzo was beaming at her and urging her to walk over there, but she winced and glanced towards the Ravenclaw table. More specifically, where she sits. It was vacant.

Jadwiga sighed heavily, shaking her head and stepping in the direction of her table. She had yet to take Enzo up on his offer to sit with him and his friends, but she was sure they'd all hate her. She wasn't a pureblood, and she wasn't a Slytherin.

She outstretched her hand, planning on touching the table to stabilize herself whilst sitting onto the bench, but her arm was grasped and she was yanked backwards. A gasp followed by a choked inhale escaped her lips. Jadwiga felt afraid suddenly.

"Iga, come on." She raised a brow at the nickname, nerves eased once she realised who had grabbed her. But she still spun and slapped his arm multiple times.

"Don't do that to me, Lorenzo!" She hissed under her breath before exhaling and shaking her head. She got herself under control and glared at him. "You scared me."

"I tried to call your name." He shrugged nonchalantly, and he watched with a chuckle as Jadwiga rolled her eyes dramatically.

"Well, care to sit then? We can discuss whatever it was over dinner." Jadwiga took a step back, towards her table, whilst her hand gestured to her seat on the bench and the free space opposed to it. "I'm rather famished and i'd like some pumpkin juice-"

"Come on." Enzo begged, his hand not releasing Jadwiga's arm just yet. "Come to my table and speak to my friends. If you don't like them, we can hang out just us." She missed the pink that dusted Enzo's cheeks. Jadwiga wasn't very informed on any social cues, not understanding much when it came with how people interracted with one another.

"Enzo..." she trailed off, wincing as she glanced over his shoulder. The floating candles and fire posts on the walls gave the Slytherin's rather ominous glows. It made their faces look warm, and yet if they weren't laughing they all looked rather deadly. Or, they all just had serious bitch faces.

"Come onnnn, foxglove." Jadwiga scrunched her nose at the nickname he had used this time, judging his particular choice of flower.

"Foxglove?" She questioned, crossing her arms over her stomach. The action made Enzo release his grip, but he still stood close to her. "You just called me a flower? And one that contains toxic cardiac glycosides at that!"

"Yes, but," he said with a grin that made her nervous for the rest of his sentence, "do you know they're meaning?"

"Of course." She stated as a matter of factly. She didn't take notice of Enzo slowly guiding her towards the Slytherin table, too entranced with the knowledge she was about to give the boy. "They used to symbolize riddles, conundrums and secrets. Although, going into the Victorian era people decided to change that and make them mean insincerity. Perhaps it was because their beauty hid the toxic qualities of the plants if-" she quietened herself, gulping uneasily as she realised where she now stood.

So many eyes blinked, stared and judged her. A boy with platinum blonde hair, grey eyes and a steel-like expression stared her down. He had hatred in his eyes. Another boy, not as pale and yet looked even more deadly. He had a mop of brown on his head and his eyes were dark in colour, too, but a mole could be seen just under his left eye. He stared at her, too, but he didn't have hatred in his expression.

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