The small village of Hapton
The soft snow falls on the quiet, farming village. The village is modest in nature. Most of the buildings are made of wood, and the ceiling is made of wood as well, with shingles covering it. The forest mostly has trees that have lost their leaves to the cold. Only a few of the trees that make up this forest are evergreens. A bird stops for a quick second on a leafless branch of a tall tree. A young human man watches the bird and is trying not to disturb the bird. His hair as white as snow is arranged in a messy style that he has claimed is part of his charm. He gets a quick look at the colorful bird that stands out on the dark tree. The blue of the birds' feathers contrast the white snow plains of the state of Bin. The young man blends well with the snow that has built up on the ground. He puts his pale hands in his snow coverd royal blue long coat to warm himself up a bit. The coat is one of his most prized possessions that has a handmade white snowflake on the left chest area. His soft blue eyes that look more sea blue studies the now-identified swallow with a curious look as he brings out a little notebook and starts drawing the bird. The notebook looks worn and has seen a lot of use even tho it's only been used for about a year. As he draws the bird, he doesn't notice that a person is softly sneaking up behind him. The one behind him jumps at him to shove Seigmund into the snow. A hearty laugh fills the forest as the purple devil-looking man wipes some snow off his eyelids. His purple skin sticks out in the snowy environment. His clothes are modest, simple grey shirts with light stains from his honest work. The black pants have some parts mismatched that have been sowed into them to hide some holes. His horns look to have a soft resemblance to ram horns.
He says to Seig, who is shaking his head free of snow. "You need to stop letting me sneak up on you, Seig. If I was an enemy, you would be dead." Seig getting up sighs and says while picking up his journal "Yeah but I don't think all my future 'enimes are going to be as quiet as you are when walking through seven-inch snow. So besides trying to give me a heart attack, why did you come and find me?" Jin shakes his head as he starts to walk to their cabin and motions for the wizard to follow him.
"I came to tell you that it seems the merchants will be stopping here soon, and I know you always try searching for more of those spellbooks or any odd tome about dragons. You do know the reason people don't have detailed notes about them is if they get too close, they end up dying right. It's not the most healthy thing to study. Maybe the underdark might just beat it out in the danger department. " Seig sighs and nods as he follows the teifling to the small market. Seig looks to the barren tree line as he silently follows Jin. Seig and Jin live where not much happens in peoples day to day-to-day lives. Jin makes money by being a farmhand for the Leodin family, which is the local nobility that harvests frost apples. It's a blue apple that grows in the cold and is the main source that they trade for money to travel merchants. Seig, a young man who wants to be a mage, doesn't have many sources to learn the arcane arts, so when the monthly visit of merchants visits, he goes to find anything about magic. Jin is an ex-thief who ended up in Hapton and took the free out to live a quiet life.
After some time, the duo makes it to the center of the village to see about twenty people surrounding a few merchant carts looking through the new items. Jin says "Fuck. I thought we would get here early and not deal with the crowd. Now I need to go through all those people just to see if they have any chocolate." Seig chuckles as Jin grumbles as he heads to the crowd. This is a monthly ritual the two have. Jin has a love for sweets and since he moved here he sadly found out there is no one in this small village that can make his favorite sweets. So Jin would save some money for once the merchants arrive. Seig during this will wait till the crowds left and looks for any book about his two favorite subjects.
Seig goes to sit on a nearby empty chair before he sees two people walking away from the crowd that he believes are not from here. One is a woman just as pale as the moon with white robes and a white hood that covers most of her face and only shows her mouth and chin. She holds this feeling that a saint is near when your eyes land on her. A smile is almost always found on her face. A truly good person in most sense. She is an odd one when you realize she is a dark elf. A group of elves that have gone to the underdark following a dark goddess that has made most of them a bad lot to find. In a society of deceit and lying she is a truthful person. Also with her height of 6'7 most have to look up to see her face.
Her companion is a man with brown hair that has red ends. He holds a stance that shows he has trained with a sword for most of his life. He will seem like someone who seems to be half trying to do the good thing but it's from a place of not trying to show his heavy heart to all the horrible things he has seen. He wears an odd strange garment that Seig has never seen before. This garment is mostly found in the warring nation of the Sword Country. He didn't come from there, but the one who trained him did, and he grew to love the fashion of those lands. Also, he carries a long curved sword that is sheathed to his hip. They are heading to the forest, Now Seig couldn't help but follow them since he had an odd feeling that they were up to something not normal.
"Look, I know you think I don't believe you, but come on, Glenda, there is nothing out here. I'd say we just buy a horse and head back to Tobin and check other leads." The now-named Glenda just shakes her head as she says."Now Cogan, you lost the coin flip, so be quiet. I know you don't have faith that Sylvannas shows me where we must go, but all I ask is to not always hear your rude comments." Cogan nods, and Seig follows from afar as he uses his invisibility spell he learned a few weeks ago. The two keep walking until they find a simple stump in the woods. Cogan looks it up and down and asks, "So they decided to hide the map in a stump. Am I the odd one to think that it is a bad place to hide it? Please tell me that it is odd." Glenda nods and says "Yes it's odd, but it's not a bad place to hide it. So do your thing." Cogan nods and starts to stretch. Once he is done, he holds his hand out, and magic fills the air as Seig, without realizing, drops his invisibility spell. A bright light fills the area to the point where Seig covers his eyes.
Jin finally done getting his exotic chocolate, gets himself out of the crowd, and looks around for Seig. As he looks, he sees a weather van start to spin out of control as the wind picks up. Then the air grows quiet, and a roar fills the air. Jin's eyes go wide, and he drops his food. He yells, "Seig!" The village of Hapton is about to be ground zero for a dragon fight. A fear that Jin for most of his life has felt only for his own safety fills him again when his eyes can't find Seig. A flash of a tragedy that Cogan has seen before fills his head when he hears the roar. Glenda tries to keep her racing heart calm. Seig was the only one who heard the words that the dragon yelled in its native tongue. "Kill the betrayer! Kill him for abandoning Tiamat!"
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The Weaving of Cyrno: The Silver Lining
FantasyFollow these adventures in a time of uncertainty. They stop these two dragon factions prey on the innocent and find a map to a place full of magical power that they believe none of the dragons should get. The adventures are Seig the wizard, Jin the...