Wet Dream, Better Reality

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This first chapter is basically a quickly jotted down oneshot of the prompt:
"You waking up from a wet dream with Seb actually touching you and taking you as soon as he realizes you're awake"

It's admittedly quite rushed as it was just a quickly prompted oneshot that I did not plan to write until I got the idea on Discord through some people there haha. So sorry if it's not that great, but maybe you'll enjoy it anyway. I can promise you though that the other chapters are definitely more thought out and will contain more fluff + some more backstory <3

"Hm, let go baby." Sebastian's soothing voice spoke into your ear as he thrusted inside you, making you moan when his fingers found your clit, rubbing it frantically.
"Ah! Sebastian, ooh!" You moaned, throwing your head back as he began to speed up.
"You like it when I fuck you from behind like this?" The obscene words only made your arousal grow and you could practically taste your release.
"Y-yes." You moaned softly.
"Speak up baby, I can't hear you." He angled his hips, making him thrust deeper inside of her. "Do you like me fucking you like this?"

"YES! Sebastian, yes!" The pleasure was building up at a rapid pace and with a couple more thrusts -his fingers still rubbing the bundle of nerves between your legs- you came undone.
With a loud, drawn out moan, you shuddered as you came, clenching your walls, but all of a sudden finding nothing was there.

"Damn, you actually came!"
Disoriented, you blinked your eyes open, finding that you weren't getting railed by your boyfriend in the backseat of your car.
Instead, you were lying on your side in your shared bed, Sebastian pressed up against your back.
You could feel that you did in fact climax though, the wetness between your legs being a tell-tale sign.

"Seb?" You asked groggily. He groaned against your neck. "Fuck, you just came purely from a wet dream. You have no idea how hard I am right now."
His hand went around your waist and he pulled your hips closer to his, making you feel his arousal against your ass.
"Feel that baby? What were you dreaming about? It got me all hot and bothered so it must've been good." His hot breath against your already heated and sweaty skin made your arousal linger and even build up again when he began to slide your panties down your legs.

You were only wearing a nightshirt and your panties, so after he got rid of those, he had easy access.
Sebastian made good use of it, not hesitating to pull down his own pajama pants and thrusting his cock inside you in one swift movement, making both of you moan in pleasure.

"Come on, tell me. Were you dreaming about me?" He started kissing your neck while setting a nice, slow pace.
Since you were still very much aroused, it only took a couple of thrusts before your second release washed over you, making you unable to answer him.
"Shit, you really came again?" He rolled you over onto your stomach without pulling out, his weight settling on top of you, but you were too delirious with pleasure to complain.

"Fuck, you take me so well." Sebastian lifted himself up a bit by placing his hands on either side of you head, allowing him to plow into you from behind, driving you further into the mattress with every thrust
With a little difficulty, you managed to turn your head so you were able to actually breathe and try as much as you could to answer his earlier question.
"Dreamed that... ah! You were- hng, fucking me in...ooh! My car." Was all you were able to say in-between moans.

Sebastian chuckled, not relenting on his hard and deep thrusts. "I'll make sure to make that a reality next time we take your car somewhere."
That promise nearly made you come again, but he suddenly pulled out of you.
You whined from the loss of him, your walls clenching around nothing.

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