Getting Naughty

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Leah and Sebastian are at a party, but Leah is feeling rather... needy.

*WARNING: this does contain public/semi-public sex

Leah sighed as she was sat on her boyfriend's lap, looking at a few couples dancing rather provocatively on the other side of the room, where they had made a makeshift dancefloor.

They were seated on a couch in the seating area of the huge room. No one else was close by as they were all busy having fun dancing or chatting.
   When Sebastian had invited her to a party of some of his distant relatives, Leah had not been jumping for joy, but eventually he'd convinced her to come by letting her know their friends would be there too.

She was happy to see Poppy, Ominis, Garreth and Imelda, but after a couple of hours, they had dispersed in the crowd and now she wasn't even sure they were still around.
   Some of their other friends were there too, but after exchanging some small talk, Leah had pulled her boyfriend to the couch they were sitting on now.

They had made out for a bit and when she looked up afterwards, she noted that no one really was paying them any attention.
   It made her get an idea. Sebastian had been busy with work these past two weeks, so their sex-life had been put on the backburner for some time now.
   Leah understood completely and she herself had been busy as well, but this night was one of the rare moments she had some alone time with him.
   It was the main reason why she didn't want to go to this party in the first place, but now as her idea formed in her mind, she became excited for the possibilities.

A familiar heat was forming between her legs and she was glad she had decided to wear a skirt and simple blouse tonight.

Leah looked over Sebastian's shoulder to make sure the party was still going on in full swing behind him, no one seeming to notice or care about the couple sitting in a rather compromising position on the couch.
   She straddled her boyfriend and leaned closer to whisper in his ear: "I'm so horny, let me make us both feel good."
His reaction was instant, a sharp intake of breath as he looked at her in shock.
   She could feel him harden and with clever fingers, she opened his fly to pull him out, hidden from anyone's view by her. Then she bunched her skirt up a bit and rocked forward, trapping him against his stomach and her clothed pussy.
   Sebastian moaned and so did Leah, leaning her head forward to kiss him, making it seem they were just having a normal make-out session.

She opened her lips against his and he immediately took the opportunity to dive in and suck on her tongue.
   Leah began rocking more against him, pushing her panties to the side a bit to feel him sliding through her folds, the tip dragging over her swollen clit deliciously.
   Sebastian's fingers dug into her waist and he grunted, trying to move too, but she kept him still with a warning pinch and a more aggressive roll of her hips.

Occasionally she tried to eye the crowd by looking over his shoulder, just to make sure they weren't caught, but after awhile it became harder to focus as the pleasure began building up inside her and Sebastian kept stroking his tongue expertly against hers.
   At one point, Leah didn't care anymore if anyone knew what they were actually doing, lost in the feeling of his cock sliding through her folds, getting caught against her clit repeatedly before dragging over it.

Her kisses became sloppier as she felt her orgasm approaching, rocking her hips in earnest now, grinding onto Sebastian who was panting in her mouth, blunt nails nearly breaking her skin in the best way as he was chasing his own high as well.

The idea of them getting off right then and there on that couch while everyone else was either dancing or talking only a couple of meters away made it even more exhilarating.
   Seconds later Leah quickly crashed her lips down onto Sebastian's to let him swallow the loud moan leaving her as she came hard, shaking all the way to her core as she felt her orgasm drip out and onto her boyfriend underneath her.
   Only a couple of thrusts later, it was Sebastian's turn to moan into her mouth as he spilled all over them, making a mess of her panties, but neither of them cared.

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