When the Mice are away, The Cats will play

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Sebastian and his wife Leah will have a whole weekend to themselves while their son and daughter are sleeping over at Anne's.

*A conversation with friends inspired by a drawing of Sebastian with a Dad body (in other words, with a big belly). This turned out way softer than I anticipated lol.*
(The title was ofcourse intentional since the kids are the mice and Seb and Leah are definitely more like cats xD)
Hope you enjoy!

Sebastian smiled as he quietly walked over to his wife, who was chopping up the ingredients. If it was him making dinner, he would've just used his wand, but Leah loved going through the motions of preparing it all the muggle way. She said it was a nice way to unwind after a long day and clear her head. 

He had just come home after dropping off their kids at Anne's place. His sister and her husband had invited Jack and Alice to come stay the weekend over at their farm. 
   They had been overjoyed and all week the children hadn't stopped talking about how much they were looking forward to have a real sleepover.
   Leah and Sebastian had been looking forward to the weekend too, as they would get to spend some quality time together for two whole days. Something that became a very rare occurrence ever since they had their oldest, Jack. 

Carefully, so he wouldn't scare her and make her injure herself, Sebastian went to stand behind her and wrapped his arms around her waist while placing his chin on her shoulder.
   "Hi dear." Leah greeted him with a smile.
"Hey sweetheart." He replied, tightening his hold on her and lightly pushing his whole body against her.
   Over the years Sebastian had gained a significant amount of weight, curtesy to the lovely cooking and baking skills of his wife.
It wasn't like he was fat per se; a lot of it was muscle from chopping wood daily and playing Quidditch two times a week with friends as a hobby, but he certainly had a belly now. 

Leah, who was still as lovely as she was when they met, assured him she loved his belly and liked that he was a bit bigger now. 
   Sebastian had come to believe her, because he'd started to notice that simply hugging her had gotten her aroused more than once. 
Going off by her soft sigh and the way she leaned into his embrace, he was accomplishing it right now too. 

"Oh, Sebastian." She moaned softly when he began placing little kisses on the side of her neck. "You'll make me cut myself if you continue. Dinner is almost ready." 
   He hummed into her skin, feeling a shiver run down her body.
"I'd rather have you for dinner." He teased, but then stopped kissing her to prevent her from hurting herself.
   "We have the whole weekend for that." Leah reminded him. "I'm sure you can wait just a little longer."
"I will, but only because I can hear how hungry you are." Sebastian let one of his hands rub over her stomach, which was growling in complaint. "After dinner though, you're mine."
   He let her go with a final kiss and a little pat on her behind, enjoying the way she squirmed.

Dinner was a lovely affair. It had been a long time since they had a nice dinner at home with just the two of them. 
   Both Sebastian and Leah did miss the usual rowdiness of dinner a little bit. The house sure was a lot quieter with their children not around, but they reminded themselves it was only temporary.

After they had eaten, Sebastian had flicked his wand to clear the table and let the dishes wash themselves. 
   "Eager aren't we?" Leah joked with a half-smile and raised eyebrows. 
"Like you haven't been thinking about me bending you over right here and now ever since I came home."
   Her eyes visibly darkened at his words. "What's stopping you?" She remarked, biting her lip and giving him a lewd look. 

Sebastian chuckled. "Maybe tomorrow love, but tonight I'm making love to you in our bed. Trust me, when I'm done with you, you'll be happy about the location as you won't be able to walk."
   Leah's patience had worn out. Jumping forward she grabbed his arm and started tugging him towards their bedroom. "Well come on then! Let's not wait for the grass to grow."

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