Lazy Sunday Morning

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Tessa gets woken up by her boyfriend and they have some nice morning sex.

It's just a quick little oneshot I wanted to write. Nothing special, but I hope you enjoy it either way <3

Soft kisses woke Tessa up. 
   Blinking her eyes open slowly, she sighed contentedly when she realized Garreth was leaving a trail of kisses down her throat and between her breasts.

"Hmm." She hummed, closing her eyes again and letting her hands find the ginger curls of her boyfriend while his kisses went down lower and lower. Tessa was glad that she hadn't decided to wear a nightgown last night when they went to bed. 
   The feeling of his soft lips on her bare skin raised goosebumps and sent tiny sparks of pleasure through her body. 

"Good morning baby." Tessa's voice was a little rough from sleep, but that only seemed to result into Garreth pressing his lips more firmly against her, determined to get where she wanted him most. 
   "Morning sweetheart." He mouthed against her belly, his warm breath making her shiver delightfully. 

His fingers ran over her thighs, up towards her hips where they snatched the fabric that was covering her sex, hiding it from his view. 
   With a smoothness that came from years of experience, he tugged down the material over her hips and down her legs and feet before tossing it on the floor. 
   Tessa gasped at the cool air hitting her sensitive skin and then moaned when Garreth didn't hesitate to instantly dive down and kiss her on her most intimate place. 

"Oh, Garreth." His name was but a sigh on her lips while her fingers lightly tugged on his hair.
   He didn't respond with words, instead dragging his tongue through her folds before the tip of it teased her swollen nub. Then he closed his lips around it and sucked hard. 
   "Ah!" Tessa moaned loudly, her legs spreading automatically to give him more room. Garreth expertly switched from delving his tongue inside her to licking through her folds to sucking on the little bundle of nerves until she was a moaning mess beneath him. 

It didn't take long before it was too much and she tipped over the edge with a scream, holding his head against her so he could help her ride out her orgasm, which he happily did. 

"To what do I owe this method of waking me up?" Tessa asked, her boyfriend going back to her face and kissing her lips. The taste of herself on his tongue was something that would surely never fail to turn her on.
   "Nothing in particular. I just felt like eating you out, so I did." Garreth answered with a grin, his green eyes shining with love.
   "Well by all means, continue doing whatever you feel like doing to me." She looked up at him coyly. 
"I shall do just that." He kept looking at her, reveling in the surprise and pleasure that showed up on her face when his fingers made contact with her cunt, teasing through the folds before plunging two of them inside.

Tessa moaned and thrusted her hips up to get his fingers in deeper. "Oh, yes. Garreth I need you."
   "As you wish my dearest Tessa." He smiled at her and leaned down to capture her lips, wasting no time pushing his tongue in and stroking it expertly against hers. 

Within a blink of an eye Garreth had replaced his fingers with his aching cock, making his girlfriend cry out against his mouth.
   He thrusted into her heat, getting lost in the pleasure as much as she was until both of them couldn't even kiss properly anymore, instead breathing heavily, grunting and moaning against each other's mouths as their orgasms build up. 

"Ah, Tess, you feel so good around me." Garreth's warm breath fanned her face, his words only adding to the pleasure she was feeling. 
   "Garreth, hng, I- " But her words were cut off by her mind-blowing orgasm taking hold of her, spreading electrifying pleasure through her body, making her toes curl. 
   "Fuck, you're pulsing around me sweetheart. Ah!" With a few more thrusts Garreth buried himself deep inside of her, shuddering against her as he spilled his seed. 

A few minutes later, Tessa was lazily blinking up at the ceiling, Garreth's head resting on her chest as she threaded her fingers through his hair. 
   He was lying with his whole weight on her, but she didn't mind. It actually felt kind of nice. Heavy and a little sweaty, but still nice because it was him

"I love you so much Garreth." Tessa sighed happily. "And not only because you just made me cum twice."
   They both chuckled and then he heaved himself up on his elbows, lifting his head so he could look at her. 
"I love you too Tessa. More than anything in this world." Garreth's words made her heart flutter and she welcomed his soft kiss. 

"Alright, let me clean you up a bit and you stay in bed a little longer okay?" Tessa frowned when he got off the bed with a final kiss to her forehead. 
   "What do you have in mind for today?" She asked. They had been busy all week and she was looking forward to spending the day at home doing nothing in particular. She was hoping Garreth was thinking the same. 

Her boyfriend smiled at her fondly, his eyes running over her naked form before meeting her gaze. 
   "I was thinking about making us some breakfast in bed, then we'd get dressed in a simple robe and we move to the living room where we shall proceed to situate ourselves on the couch. Didn't you say there was a book you'd wanted to read for some time? I would love it if you could read it to me."
   Tessa's eyes lit up at the prospect of enjoying the perfect lazy Sunday with Garreth. No one else but them, no intricate corsets or layers of clothing to put on and finally being able to read the novel that she got from her grandmother "Pride & Prejudice". 

"That sounds like a lovely way to spend the day with you." She told him honestly. 
   He chuckled. "I thought you might think that. Now go and relax a little more, I'll be back with a washcloth to clean you up a bit." With that, Garreth made his way to their ensuite bathroom.

Tessa closed her eyes with a smile. 
This was the life she had always dreamt about and she was fortunate enough to be able to share it with the love of her life, Garreth Weasley. 

It was perfect. 


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⏰ Last updated: May 19 ⏰

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