Your Hands on my Body

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*This work was inspired by a rather thirsty conversation about veiny, strong hands. 
WARNINGS FOR POTENTIAL TRIGGERS: Hand kink, Strength kink and arm/vein kink(?) There's also minor choking. He doesn't choke her but does put his hands on her throat.
I wrote this mainly for a friend of mine (you know who you are), I hope you enjoy!

The warmth of the pub welcomed Leah inside when she entered The Three Broomsticks on a cold January night. 
   It was Friday and after having suffered through a very long week, she was ready to wind down with a glass of ice-cold Butterbeer, served by her favorite barman Sebastian. 

She had known Sebastian since her first year at Hogwarts, though they only became friends in fifth year. Leah had been in Hufflepuff while he was a Slytherin so their paths didn't often cross. 
   But in fifth year Professor Hecat had made them duel each other.
After beating him, she'd been surprised he had complimented her instead of being a sore loser and it had been the beginning of a crush. 

When she needed help searching for a particular book in the Restricted Section, Sebastian had overheard her talking to Poppy about it and had offered to help sneak her in.
   Peeves had caught them, but the Slytherin took the fall, making her hide while he got sent to the Headmasters office. 

They had been friends ever since.
She had helped him during some hard times when his sister Anne was ill and had accompanied him when visiting her. 
   In turn, he had helped her survive her classes; some of those late night study sessions in the library are some of her most fond memories.
   He grew up to be a handsome boy and didn't have trouble with the ladies by the time they started seventh year. Jealousy had eaten at Leah and it made her take the offer of Isaac Cooper to be his date to the Yule ball. 

He had been her first; it had been awkward and painful, tucked away in a hidden corner while her mind was on Sebastian the whole time. 
   The Slytherin never courted anyone and though rumors spread that he bedded every girl in their year, Leah was glad to know for a fact that he'd only had two girlfriends in their time at Hogwarts. 
   When graduation came around, she had wanted to tell him finally how she felt about him, but the moment went and passed and her nerves had stopped her from actually doing it. 

Both went their separate ways after Hogwarts.
Sebastian got a job as a Curse-Breaker at Gringotts, while Leah worked at the Ministry for the Control and Regulation of Magical Creatures. 
   They kept in contact through owl-post and occasionally met up. When they did, it was obvious there was tension between them. Like they both wanted one another, but neither ever dared to go beyond a hug and a kiss on the cheek. 

In his latest letter he had told her he quit his job as Curse-breaker after finding a literal goldmine.   
   The goblins had only given him a small share of it, but it was more than enough to settle him for the rest of his life, making him quit on the spot. 
   Sebastian had explained in his writing that he had done it so he'd be able to be closer to his sister, who was cured and living a happy life with her husband in Feldcroft, expecting their first child. 

He had taken up the job as a bartender for Sirona to keep him occupied and because 'It's amazing what people will tell you after a couple of drinks, Leah. The things I've learned...'
   She had laughed out loud at that part, making one of her co-workers look at her funny, but she didn't care. 
All she wanted to do was come and visit him. So she did.

The biggest reason for Leah to come here now, hanging her coat on the coatrack at the door, was that she knew that Sebastian had been single for a long time, much like herself.
   She would be able to ogle him and maybe even have a drink with him without having to be mindful of any partners.

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