Chapter 9:All good things must come to an end

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The usually quiet hotel was very different this night. Neon lights iluminated the entrance of the hotel while static music resonded in this very room.

Kumagawa sat in a corner, simply taking in the view for now. After finishing a cocotion he took his drink from the table and took a sip.

Because of his inhuman resistance to pretty much anything, alcohol didn't represent any danger to him. While he wouldn't get drunk, he still did enjoy drinking alcoholic beverages.

Frank, Murray, Griffin and Wayne were on the stage singing for Mavis's party. There wasn't enough time to teach them a new song, so they just made a remix of their old one and it worked like a charm.

He took another sip while putting the finishing touches on another alcoholic drink. However, this time it wasn't for him.

Kumagawa:[Okay, bring it down now.]

The giantic man with white fur covering his body beside him brought his equally enormous glass down in confusion. Kumagawa poured the drink from the regular glass he was holding, yet despise the size difference the drink spilled in the gigantic glass until it filled the glass completly.

Kumagawa:[There you go, big guy.]

The monster was surprised by this development, not having seem even a witch ever doing something like this. He decided not to ponder on it and just gave Kumagawa a grateful roar.

Hearing doors opening, Kumagawa sifted his gaze to see who else arrived. Dracula was advancing in the room with two living armors by his side.

While looking regal at first, this image was shattered onve Dracula began to dance wildly together with the armors, his cape detaching from his outfit and also beggining to dance on it's own. It seems that innanimate objects are surprisingly good dancers.

A blue eyed bat flyed across the room and settled in front of Kumagawa, Mavis having morphed back to her normal firm when arriving at her desired destination. She didn't look that different, except for the cape on her back.

Mavis:So...How do I look?

Kumagawa:[Very cute.]

Mavis:Thanks. Is it really that much of a change?

Kumagawa:[No, I mean you just added a cape to your casual self. I'm afraid you're just naturally adorable.]

Mavis:You really are a smooth operator, aren't you?

Kumagawa:[I wonder about that, most girls I meet have first expressed much more interes in my death than anything else. Anyway, how do you like the decorations?]

Mavis looked around to see different parts decorated in different styles. There was a big cake made in the form of a lady with a torch in hand.

Kumagawa:[You alwais say how impressive the rest of the world is, so I made some replicas to you. It turned out as a chaotic mess in the end.]

Mavis:You must be very proud, then.

Kumagawa:[Oh? Why would you think that?]

Mavis:I'm a really attentive girl, you know? I was listening to you too and the central thing I understand very clearly is that you...Just love chaos.

Kumagawa:[Haha, you caught me!]

Mavis:I get most if these things, but what's with the big red things at the door?

Kumagawa:[That's how the entrance of a shrine would look like.]

Mavis:Oh, I see...

After grinning, Mavis turned all of her, with the exception, into blue mist. The mist moved along with the cape, the matterial tying around Kumagawa and dragging him bat.

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