Chapter 14:Times inevitably change, yet not really

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Mavis acomodated to a flexible sleep schedule from spending time at night with activities that monsters usually do and taking her kids to classes at day. As such, she's never grumpy when suddenly awoken.

However, she was shocked when she was awaken this morning. Reason being that she was awoken by the entire mansion shaking.

She quickly got out of bed, worried for the other residents of the mansion. The first one she came face to face to was Zenkichi, although he looked exasperated more than anything.

Zenkichi:Really, this early...

Mavis:What's going? Is it an earthquake!?

Zenkichi:No...I think they're in front of the mansion.

Mavis followed Zenkichi, who looked to be way too used to this kind of scenario. Outside, of the mansion Kumagawa and Medaka were playing tennis.

Even for Mavis the ball thrown between the two looked like a blur. And so were the two of them as they made sudden turn to hit said ball with their rackets, the impact the ground they stood on suffered once they make such a turn casing that rentless shaking.

Mavis:Wow! I've never seen Misogi trying this hard before.

Zenkichi:Medaka-chan hasn't given such effort in a long time too. Well, they alwais pushed each other to their limits. In all the best ways and in all the worst ways.

Mavis:I see...

The ball was the middle of the field, both abnormals hitting it with their rackets at the same time. As the rackets made contact with the ball from two opposite sides they shattered and the ball flew outside the field.

Kumagawa:[Ah, again.]

Medaka:This is quite unfourtunate.

Kumagawa used All Fiction to undo the damage of the rackets, turning them back to normal, after which he went to retrieve the ball.

Although of high quality, the rackets were still just rackets. When playing at such intensity, they were bound to break at some point.

It was hardly a surprise by this point, this cycle has repeated a total of 128 times. And the score was still 0-0.

Kumagawa:[You wanna serve this time?]

Medaka:You went to get the ball back, so I think it's fair to let you have this one.


Medaka:But, Kumagawa...I think it's about time we stop fooling around.

Kumagawa:[Ah, so you wanna get serious?]

Kumagawa grinned, golden lights surrounding him. No, at a closer inspection they weren't light.

Golden tennis balls of different patterns came into existence. Throwing the normal tennis ball into the air, Kumagawa was prepared to serve.

Kumagawa:[Then, let's have fun...Mongrel!]

Kumagawa's racket hit the ball, the others foolowing suit on their own glowin with unbribed energy. Medaka grinned back, racket tightly gripped in her hand.

From the sky several rackets descended, their design being crazier and crazier as it went, all of them alinigning around her. Normally this would be impossible, but it was something that the universe worked in her favor for her.

No, it was rather that the universe was forced to work this way. It was something Kumagawa was familiar with, having been with the person Medaka copied this skill from for a really long time.

The skill to rule the universe, From Earth to Cosmos. One of the skills Medaka had copied from Ajimu Najimi.

Medaka:I am...The bone of my racket!

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